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I have Samsung N920V for data recovery.  UFS BGA95 Chip is removed and BGA looks good.  When trying to identify the UFS chip in Classic Suite I get an error -2049 along with details about the chip.  What does this error mean?

Identify UFS Chip.
UFS Chip Voltage: High
Can't init device, Code: -2049, Reason: Unknown error (-2049)
VCC: 3300mV
VCCQ2: 2802mV

Chip Info:
Manufacturer: SAMSUNG
ProductName: KLUBG4G1BE-E0B1
SerialNumber: **REMOVED**
UFS Version: 2.0
in Easy JTAG by (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Hello. Unfortunately, this error belongs to answer from memory that not listed in documentation.
by (199k points)