0 votes

con respeto publico mi pregunta en ingles y espanol ya que el espanol es mi idioma de igual forma af=gradezco la ayuda 

buenas tardes ya unos dias realize una liberacion por medio de root para a217m todo bien cerre boot actualize y todo bien pues este dia llego el cliente que el telefono pedia nuevamente el codigo pregunte si lo reset y no segia igual simplemente apago y encendio y perdio la liberacion ya page no se si hay alguna manera de recuperar la liberacion o tengo que pagar nuevamente ? pasara de nuevo ?

good afternoon and a few days ago I made a release through root for a217m all good I closed boot update and all good because this day the client arrived that the phone asked for the code again ask if I reset it and it was not the same just turned off and on and lost the liberation already paid I don't know if there is any way to recover the liberation or do I have to pay again? will it happen again?

Operation: Unlock
Selected model: SM-A217M
Software version: 44.11

Checking Login and Password... OK
Balance: 9 crd.
You have 9 credit(s) left. This operation takes 5 credits. Continue? Yes
Waiting ADB device... OK
Reading phone info...
Model: SM-A217M
Android version: 11
PDA version: A217MUBS9CVD3
CSC version: A217MOWO9CVD8
Phone version: A217MUBS9CVD2
Product code: SM-A217MZKMCGU
CSC country code: Guatemala
CSC sales code: CGU
Carrier ID: CGU
Phone SN: R58R54E666E
IMEI: 350211812090032
HW version: MP 0.500
RF cal date: 20210526
Chip name: EXYNOS850
Modem board: SHANNON318
Security patch: 2022-04-01
Boot Warranty bit: 1
Checking Super user right... true
Root version: 25.2:MAGISKSU
Checking data... OK
Searching server... OK
Checking server answer... OK
Data preparation... OK
Initialization zTool... OK
Running zTool, please wait... OK
Executing 1st step... OK
Executing 2nd step... OK
Searching server... OK
Waiting for server answer... OK
Unlocking... OK
Rebooting phone... OK

Operation: Unlock
Selected model: SM-A217M
Software version: 44.11
in Samsung Tool by (160 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
Hello. Repeat operation. If credits will be consumed again, post here, we will refund.
by (207k points)

I repeated the process and I am charged in the same way

can i unlock to a217m bit 10?
Down grade y root y sale
How downgrade bit???  It can't
0 votes

lo  realice nuevamente y me cobraron de igual manera

I did it again and they charged me the same way






by (160 points)
Phone unlocked for now?

Yes unlocked 
