0 votes
I purchased easy jtag plus upgrade kit  without smart card and then I inserted the old smart card that was working with the old box easy jtag v2
can't open easy plus, even though the smart card was opening the plus interface on the old box, but when insert it to the new easy jtag plus cant open. is there a solution? thx

Card SN - AAD4EAA8
Reseller: gsmsources
Card activated - 2014-08-20 00:00:00
Download limit per day - 20
Lg Tool - NOT available, activation possible
Pandora - NOT available, activation possible
Samsung Tool PRO - NOT available, activation possible
Easy Jtag - activated 2014-08-20 00:00:00
Easy Jtag Plus - NOT available, update possible
in Easy JTAG by (160 points) 1 flag

3 Answers

0 votes
Hello. If card inserted in new box - are you able to read card info?
by (204k points)
0 votes
Yes sir i able to read card info

Card SN - AAD4EAA8
Reseller: gsmsources
Card activated - 2014-08-20 00:00:00
Download limit per day - 20
Lg Tool - NOT available, activation possible
Pandora - NOT available, activation possible
Samsung Tool PRO - NOT available, activation possible
Easy Jtag - activated 2014-08-20 00:00:00
Easy Jtag Plus - NOT available, update possible
by (160 points)
Easy Jtag Plus - NOT available, update possible

Your card doesnt have plus activation.
okey how i active it to easy jtag plus

and what is the price
0 votes
I have same problem

Any one activation my card
by (140 points)