Once you know the combination you must know how it works and how it works and how it works.
for example:
I9300XXUBNA1: (i9300) (XXU) (B) (NA1)
The compilation number is divided into 3 parts:
Device model, country / language and date of compilation.
For example the XXU - Country Code
The letter B follows: corresponds to the Android version
Finally you have: NA1 This refers to the information of the Date: the first letter is equivalent to the year and the second to the month. The last number refers to the revision code or the revision number in the month.
If the versions are within the month they exceed the number nine, the final character becomes a letter (A = 10, B = 11, C = 13, so on)
Codes by date:
J = 2010
K = 2011
L = 2012
M = 2013
N = 2014
and so on ...
A = January
B = February
C = March
D = April
E = May
F = June
G = July
H = August
I = September
J = October
K = November
L = December
G955USQS2ARA1: (G955U) (USQ) 2 (A) (RA1)
The compilation number is divided into 3 parts:
Device model, country / language and date of compilation.
For example the USQ - Country Code
Binary 2 continues now, it must agree or be greater in the compilation pending to be written.
It is followed by the letter A: corresponds to the android version
Finally you have: RA1 This refers to the information of the Date: the first letter is the year and the second is the month. The last number refers to the revision code or the revision number in the month.
If the versions are within the month they exceed the number nine, the final character becomes a letter (A = 10, B = 11, C = 13, so on)