0 votes
   EMMC_ID   : 0x150100445836384D42096CD36ACF69BF
   EMMC_BOOT1: 0x0000400000 (4.00Mb)
   EMMC_BOOT2: 0x0000400000 (4.00Mb)
   EMMC_RPMB : 0x0000400000 (4.00Mb)
   EMMC_USER : 0x0747C00000 (29.12Gb)
   INT_SRAM: 0x000003A500 (233.25Kb)
   EXT_RAM : 0x00C0000000 (3.00Gb)
Checking USB status... USB_HIGH_SPEED
[EFUSE INFO]:  BROM not disabled
Read partitions info from phone... OK
Checking A/B state... OK
Read product info... [EXT4] ... OK
Product Brand        : TCL
Product Manufacturer : TCL
Product Model        : 9137W
Product Name         : 9137W
Product Device       : Luna_8_4G_TMO
Product Board        : MT6761
Board Platform       : mt6761
Build ID             : SP1A.210812.016
Build Date           : Fri Mar  8 16:36:42 CST 2024
Display ID           : SP1A.210812.016 release-keys
Security Patch       : 2024-03-05
Version SDK          : 31
Version Release      : 12
Version Codename     : REL
Firmware Version     : HU6A
Userdata FS Type     : F2FS
Read security partition from phone... OK
Read security files... OK
Read NVDATA files... OK
Calculating... OK
Read lock info... OK
Read OTP... OK
Patch data...
Exception: Access violation at address 022386FC in module PandoraTool.exe. Read of address 63C5FFFF

Selected model: TCL 9137W
Operation: Unlock network
Software version: 6.9
Work ID: 27870894
EMMC_ID : 0x150100445836384D42096CD36ACF69BF
EMMC_BOOT1: 0x0000400000 (4.00Mb)
EMMC_BOOT2: 0x0000400000 (4.00Mb)
EMMC_RPMB : 0x0000400000 (4.00Mb)
EMMC_USER : 0x0747C00000 (29.12Gb)
INT_SRAM: 0x000003A500 (233.25Kb)
EXT_RAM : 0x00C0000000 (3.00Gb)
Checking USB status... USB_HIGH_SPEED
[EFUSE INFO]: BROM not disabled
Read partitions info from phone... OK
Checking A/B state... OK
Read product info... [EXT4] ... OK
Product Brand : TCL
Product Manufacturer : TCL
Product Model : 9137W
Product Name : 9137W
Product Device : Luna_8_4G_TMO
Product Board : MT6761
Board Platform : mt6761
Build ID : SP1A.210812.016
Build Date : Fri Mar 8 16:36:42 CST 2024
Display ID : SP1A.210812.016 release-keys
Security Patch : 2024-03-05
Version SDK : 31
Version Release : 12
Version Codename : REL
Firmware Version : HU6A
Userdata FS Type : F2FS
Read security partition from phone... OK
Read security files... OK
Read NVDATA files... OK
Calculating... OK
Read lock info... OK
Read OTP... OK
Patch data...
Exception: Access violation at address 022386FC in module PandoraTool.exe. Read of address 63C5FFFF

Selected model: TCL 9137W
Operation: Unlock network
Software version: 6.9
Work ID: 27870894
in General questions by (120 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
Hello. What if press read otp button?
by (202k points)
I encountered the same problem, what do you mean by OTP button?
I mean read OTP button in read tab.
0 votes

Try performing a hard reset on your device by disconnecting it from power Slither io and waiting for a few minutes before reconnecting.

ago by (180 points)