0 votes
I am using my Pandora Account On my pc Since Previous 30+ days and now I login my Account to a new pc Now I am trying to Connect with My Own Pc on which I am using Since last 30+ days It gives error that no more attempts to bind new pc until 21/10/2024 but this pc is already Registered on this account please Help me to Login this account on my pc Please Verify the Details I pasted in Admin Prompt Please Help me.
in Activation by (120 points)
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3 Answers

0 votes
Hello. You have 4 fp svitch attempts per quartal, its not same to  add 4 different pc.
by (204k points)
Respected Sir. But this PC was also Registered

Now Not working what is the matter please check it
You can login pc1 -> pc2 -> pc1 -> pc2 and attempts will be wasted. Told again, 4 attemts for svitch between pc, not for add 4 different pc.
0 votes

This blog is a fantastic resource. Appreciate your effort. URL

by (380 points)
0 votes

Please log out of your geometry dash scratch account from the old device and log back in to the device to see. I think they are limiting the number of machines that can log in.

ago by (140 points)