0 votes
i get the error i cannot bind new pc, and i only use my pc on two devices a pc and a lenovo laptop. the latter being the last log inned device.

but i cant acces it because the laptop crashed and i had to reinstall windows on it. so pandora says the fingerprint is changed.

kindly help. my email is hillarykaluai@gmail.com
in Activation by (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Hello. You used your fp change attepts.

DESKTOP-SUO1EQN - last pc, use with it.
by (205k points)

I had to reinstall windows on that pc, so it changed the name and its fingerprint

its under a windows.old folder right now hence i cant access it please

so i can't use my subscription until the four months end? can i not pay to have it binded to the same pc used last time.
Yes, you should wait.