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I'm looking for solutions on how to remove a screen/pattern lock that has been forgot on the front screen by a customer,the situation is very unique and I was advised to purchase a Z3X Samsung Gold Edition Box which I've yet to do as the customer has specified she can't afford to reset the device as there's a lot of sensitive information on the device.

Even if there is a workaround where we can open an interface and add a biometric fingerprint to the device to unlock it safely or add a 6 digit code on the front screen.

I'm just thinking outside the box here,is this something the Z3X Samsung Gold Edition box is capable of and is there a path notes link I can read in advance of what devices are supported.
in General questions by (120 points)
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1 Answer

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Hello. Unlock without data loss not supported.
by (207k points)
So why was I advised that this particular kit could do this without data loss,is there a third party tool that works with this tool or a more preferred unit that can achieve this ??
As mentioned below, currently we dont have solution for this phone without data loss.
Is there anything I could do to supply info or logs from this device that could aid you in potential solutions,I don't mind buying the tech but I don't want it to sit gathering dust waiting for something that may never come if you understand where I'm coming from.

I've got a Nokia 7.1 (HMD) that's stuck on a looping screen with Android 10 installed while not a Samsung not getting into that is a pain also.

Seeing as we are now up to the Samsung S24 models I thought these older models may have paved the way for solutions going forward.
No, currently its not possible.
Could you let me know on this post if anything does pop up anytime in the near future please