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Sir when ever i connect my easy jtag plus to my pc

My pin in ground becomes short with data0 cmd & clk

I was using isp to my Samsung a045f to remove frp then when i connect ground to the isp socket cmd clk Data0 all gets disconnected if i don't connect ground then all the lines r ok & connected

I tested it even without any socket directly from box & it shows short ground data0 cmd clk

If i check without connecting the box to pc it doesn't shows any short
in Easy JTAG by (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
If reverse tester pins - is it still shorted?
by (207k points)
No if reverse then no short

But non of then isp now showing after im connecting cmd clk data0 all r showing red on pin tested & cmd error
Seems like bad soldering.
Anyway, if you sure that its hardware issue - return box for warranty repair/exchange (in case if you have warranty).
Im from Bangladesh seller doesn't gives us warranty  this box is banded on our country thats why i was seeking help im now trying on samsung j200h same even without ground line all lines r red on pin tester
Hello, to me show this problem isp sm 4350 moto g62 5g

"Initialize UFS Engine Fail. Code: -113/ERROR_UFS_UPIU_NOP_RESULT_FAIL"
What software you use?
i jump r4 and r5, and i finish the isp, thank you.
Partition "SYSTEM" is Write Protected by RPMB config