0 votes
What Happend whit ztool
LG 2-3G Tool v9.62
modelos soportados: 1571

Modo: Normal
modelo LMX210MA
Versión de la compilación: Oct 3 201822:07:01Jun 20 201806:00:00LMX210MA
version de SoftWare MPSS.JO.3.0.c12-00013-8937_GENNS_PACK-1
IMEI: 35273710818638-9
Dirección del BlueTooth: 00:00:00:00:00:00
Código del teléfono:
Transcurrido 1 segundos --> (v9.62)

Checking Login and Password... OK
Ballance: 27 crd.
You have 27 credit(s) left. This operation takes 10 credits.Continuar? Yes
Searching modem interface... found COM106
Reading data from phone... OK
IMEI: 35273710-----------
Checking root rights... OK
Writing zTool... OK
SW Version: X210MA10l
Initialization zTool... error(1 0)
Transcurrido 5 segundos --> (v9.62)
in LG Tool by (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Prova a ripristinare e sbloccare nuovamente.  Il server LG non può addebitare crediti due volte per lo stesso telefono.

Try make hard reset and unlock again. Lg server can't charge credits twice for same phone.
by (102k points)