0 votes
Phone did not unlock correctly. It just says emergency calls. It took 10 credits and I need them back.

I tested 3 simcards from different co.panied before giving the phone back to angry client.

After I saw no signal I updated the phone to the last version and still the same.
Operation: Unlock
Selected model: SM-A102U
Software version: 42.0

Checking Login and Password... OK
Ballance: 32 crd.
You have 32 credit(s) left. This operation takes 10 credits.Continue? Yes
Waiting ADB device... OK
Reading phone info...
Model: SM-A102U
Android version: 9
PDA version: A102USQU8ATJ1
CSC version: A102UOYN8ATJ1
Phone version: A102USQU8ATJ1
Product code: SM2A102UZKABST
CSC country code: USA
CSC sales code: BST
Carrier ID: BST
Phone SN: RF8N217MRRY
IMEI: 356420092106632
HW version: REV1.0
RF cal date: 20200219
Chip name: EXYNOS7884B
Modem board: SHANNON327
Security patch: 2020-09-01
Boot Warranty bit: 0
Waiting for device to become ready... OK
Reading IMEI... OK
Initialization zTool... OK
Running zTool, please wait... OK
Checking network lock status... LOCKED
Reading data from phone... OK
Searching server... OK
Waiting for server answer... OK
Writing data to phone... OK
Checking network lock status... UNLOCKED
Rebooting phone... OK
in Samsung Tool by (160 points)
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2 Answers

0 votes



by (160 points)
0 votes
Hello. Refunded. Update your phone to 10 android and repeat unlock. Post result here please.
by (207k points)
Hi, after no luck with this unlock I updated it to the latest update available from december 2020, and still was in emergency calls, it was recognizing the APN so it already reads the sim, but no signal or data in gsm/umts settings or automatic. Client didn´t want to wait anymore so I gave him back his phone and he left my store.
