0 votes
hello,  how to downgrade modem ?
in Samsung Tool by (480 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Hello. Please provide more info, why you need to do this and whats your problem?
by (202k points)
i need downgrade mmodem for root and repair efs and imei. how it is possible. gt-sm367vl. help
Attach please read info log.
Waiting For Android Device.......OK
Reading Device Info.......OK
Product: samsung
Device Chipset: exynos7885
Device Model: SM-S367VL
Device Serial: R28K80ZRLNN
Android Version: 9
Android SDK: 28
Architecture: armeabi-v7a
Free space in system disk: 247M
Phone Mode: Normal Mode
Checking Root Permission.......Fail
Its not z3x software log. And you already get answer in previous thread that this model not supported for repair/patch operations.