0 votes
LG 2-3G Tool v9.83
supported models: 1737

Model name: LM-Q630EAW
Software verion: Q630EAW10h
Android verion: 9
Target operator: LAO
Target country: COM
Chipset: mt6765
Laf cmd error: LAF_CMD_READ fail[LAF_ERROR_UNKNOWN[80000119]].
Elapsed: 4 secs. --> (v9.83)
Start flashing.
  Open KDZ File : C:\Users\service 2\Desktop\android 10\Q630EAW20a_00_0107.kdz
Checking file hash...
  Model : LM-Q630
  SwVersion : Q63020a
  BuildTime : 2021-01-03 18:12:24
  Total Files : 134
Model name: LM-Q630EAW
Software verion: Q630EAW10h
Android verion: 9
Target operator: LAO
Target country: COM
Chipset: mt6765
Laf cmd error: LAF_CMD_UNLINK fail[LAF_ERROR_UNKNOWN[80000119]].
Start direct download mode
Write MTK Bootloader... done
Skip "preloader" partition #1 of 134
Write "pgpt" partition #2 of 134
Skip "ftm" partition #3 of 134
Write "efuse" partition #4 of 134
Skip "rct" partition #5 of 134
Write "md1img_a" partition #6 of 134
Write "spmfw_a" partition #7 of 134
Write "scp_a" partition #8 of 134
Write "sspm_a" partition #9 of 134
Write "lk_a" partition #10 of 134
Write "logo_a" partition #11 of 134
Write "laf_a" partition #12 of 134
Write "boot_a" partition #13 of 134
Write "dtbo_a" partition #14 of 134
Write "tee_a" partition #15 of 134
Write "vbmeta_a" partition #16 of 134
Write "md1img_b" partition #17 of 134
Write "spmfw_b" partition #18 of 134
Write "scp_b" partition #19 of 134
Write "sspm_b" partition #20 of 134
Write "lk_b" partition #21 of 134
Write "logo_b" partition #22 of 134
Write "laf_b" partition #23 of 134
Write "boot_b" partition #24 of 134
Write "dtbo_b" partition #25 of 134
Write "tee_b" partition #26 of 134
Write "vbmeta_b" partition #27 of 134
Write "vendor_a" partition #28 of 134
Write "vendor_a" partition #29 of 134
Write "vendor_a" partition #30 of 134
Write "vendor_a" partition #31 of 134
Write "vendor_a" partition #32 of 134
Write "vendor_a" partition #33 of 134
Write "vendor_a" partition #34 of 134
Write "vendor_a" partition #35 of 134
Write "vendor_a" partition #36 of 134
Write "vendor_a" partition #37 of 134
Write "vendor_a" partition #38 of 134
Write "vendor_a" partition #39 of 134
Write "vendor_a" partition #40 of 134
Write "system_a" partition #41 of 134
Write "system_a" partition #42 of 134
Laf cmd error: could not open port.
Laf cmd info: send LAF_CMD_WRITE, retry #1
Laf cmd error: could not open port.
Laf cmd info: send LAF_CMD_WRITE, retry #2
Laf cmd info: send LAF_CMD_WRITE, retry #3
Laf cmd error: LAF_CMD_WRITE could not write.
Direct download error.
Flashing error.
Elapsed: 186 secs. --> (v9.83)
Elapsed: 186 secs. --> (v9.83)
Model name: LM-Q630EAW
Software verion: Q630EAW10h
Android verion: 9
Target operator: LAO
Target country: COM
Chipset: mt6765
Laf cmd error: LAF_CMD_READ fail[LAF_ERROR_UNKNOWN[80000119]].
Elapsed: 4 secs. --> (v9.83)
Start flashing.
  Open KDZ File : C:\Users\service 2\New folder\Q630EAW10h_00_1103.kdz
Checking file hash...
  Model : LM-Q630
  SwVersion : Q63010h
  BuildTime : 2020-11-01 17:38:51
  Total Files : 133
Model name: LM-Q630EAW
Software verion: Q630EAW10h
Android verion: 9
Target operator: LAO
Target country: COM
Chipset: mt6765
Laf cmd error: LAF_CMD_UNLINK fail[LAF_ERROR_UNKNOWN[80000119]].
Start direct download mode
Write MTK Bootloader... done
Skip "preloader" partition #1 of 133
Write "pgpt" partition #2 of 133
Skip "ftm" partition #3 of 133
Write "efuse" partition #4 of 133
Skip "rct" partition #5 of 133
Write "md1img_a" partition #6 of 133
Write "spmfw_a" partition #7 of 133
Write "scp_a" partition #8 of 133
Write "sspm_a" partition #9 of 133
Write "lk_a" partition #10 of 133
Write "logo_a" partition #11 of 133
Write "laf_a" partition #12 of 133
Write "boot_a" partition #13 of 133
Write "dtbo_a" partition #14 of 133
Write "tee_a" partition #15 of 133
Write "vbmeta_a" partition #16 of 133
Write "md1img_b" partition #17 of 133
Write "spmfw_b" partition #18 of 133
Write "scp_b" partition #19 of 133
Write "sspm_b" partition #20 of 133
Write "lk_b" partition #21 of 133
Write "logo_b" partition #22 of 133
Write "laf_b" partition #23 of 133
Write "boot_b" partition #24 of 133
Write "dtbo_b" partition #25 of 133
Write "tee_b" partition #26 of 133
Write "vbmeta_b" partition #27 of 133
Write "vendor_a" partition #28 of 133
Write "vendor_a" partition #29 of 133
Laf cmd error: could not open port.
Laf cmd info: send LAF_CMD_WRITE, retry #1
Laf cmd error: could not open port.
Laf cmd info: send LAF_CMD_WRITE, retry #2
Laf cmd error: could not open port.
Laf cmd info: send LAF_CMD_WRITE, retry #3
Laf cmd error: LAF_CMD_WRITE could not write.
Laf cmd error: could not open port.
Laf cmd info: send LAF_CMD_INFO, retry #1
Laf cmd error: could not open port.
Laf cmd info: send LAF_CMD_INFO, retry #2
Laf cmd error: could not open port.
Laf cmd info: send LAF_CMD_INFO, retry #3
Laf cmd error: LAF_CMD_INFO could not write.
Direct download error.
Flashing error.
Elapsed: 109 secs. --> (v9.83)
Elapsed: 109 secs. --> (v9.83)
in LG Tool by (480 points)
edited by

1 Answer

0 votes
Hello. Whats with phone? Why you decided to flash it?
by (207k points)
phone no normal boot . only download or mtk port
when read info this eror :Laf cmd error: LAF_CMD_READ fail[LAF ERROR_UNKNOWN[80000119]].
solution repair this phone please
Possible reason - memory fault. To be sure for 100% try flash with lg up.
cant open port error