0 votes
I tried to do frp on LG K500 of bootmobile said done but when check still locked im goin to try agian with more credits but the firts time i do not work need to refund this credits


EDIT: Now i use the option yo K500UM and same, process done and still locked, i use 20 credtits and not working
5/31/2021 6:16:52 PM: Unable to get comport information , check system
5/31/2021 6:17:00 PM: LG 2-3G Tool v9.83
5/31/2021 6:17:00 PM: supported models: 1737
5/31/2021 6:17:00 PM:
5/31/2021 6:19:52 PM: Model: LG K500UM(SPR)
5/31/2021 6:19:52 PM: Port:
5/31/2021 6:19:52 PM: Operation: FRP reset
5/31/2021 6:19:52 PM:
5/31/2021 6:19:54 PM: Checking Login and Password...
5/31/2021 6:20:57 PM: OK
5/31/2021 6:20:57 PM: Ballance:
5/31/2021 6:20:57 PM: 25 crd.
5/31/2021 6:20:58 PM: You have 25 credit(s) left. This operation takes 10 credits.Continue?
5/31/2021 6:20:58 PM: Yes
5/31/2021 6:20:59 PM: Laf cmd error: could not open port.
5/31/2021 6:20:59 PM: Elapsed: 0 secs. --> (v9.83)
5/31/2021 6:20:59 PM:
5/31/2021 6:21:03 PM: Model: LG K500UM(SPR)
5/31/2021 6:21:03 PM: Port: COM12
5/31/2021 6:21:03 PM: Operation: FRP reset
5/31/2021 6:21:03 PM:
5/31/2021 6:21:05 PM: Checking Login and Password...
5/31/2021 6:21:07 PM: OK
5/31/2021 6:21:07 PM: Ballance:
5/31/2021 6:21:07 PM: 25 crd.
5/31/2021 6:21:08 PM: You have 25 credit(s) left. This operation takes 10 credits.Continue?
5/31/2021 6:21:08 PM: Yes
5/31/2021 6:21:14 PM: Model name: LM-K500UM
5/31/2021 6:21:14 PM: Software verion: K500UM20k
5/31/2021 6:21:14 PM: Android verion: 10
5/31/2021 6:21:14 PM: Target operator: LAO
5/31/2021 6:21:14 PM: Target country: COM
5/31/2021 6:21:14 PM: Chipset: mt6765
5/31/2021 6:21:14 PM: IMEI: 352488119035500
5/31/2021 6:21:14 PM: Serial: VP01S200721003152
5/31/2021 6:21:14 PM: Reading data from phone...
5/31/2021 6:21:23 PM: OK
5/31/2021 6:21:23 PM: Searching server...
5/31/2021 6:21:25 PM: OK
5/31/2021 6:21:25 PM: Waiting for server answer...
5/31/2021 6:21:26 PM: OK
5/31/2021 6:21:26 PM: Executing...
5/31/2021 6:21:46 PM: OK
5/31/2021 6:21:46 PM: Rebooting...
5/31/2021 6:21:52 PM: OK
5/31/2021 6:21:52 PM: Waiting phone...
5/31/2021 6:21:52 PM: OK
5/31/2021 6:21:52 PM: Phone found at COM12
5/31/2021 6:21:57 PM: Model name: LM-K500UM
5/31/2021 6:21:57 PM: Software verion: K500UM20k
5/31/2021 6:21:57 PM: Android verion: 10
5/31/2021 6:21:57 PM: Target operator: LAO
5/31/2021 6:21:57 PM: Target country: COM
5/31/2021 6:21:57 PM: Chipset: mt6765
5/31/2021 6:21:57 PM: IMEI: 352488119035500
5/31/2021 6:21:57 PM: Serial: VP01S200721003152
5/31/2021 6:21:57 PM: Reading data from phone...
5/31/2021 6:22:00 PM: Laf cmd error: could not open port.
5/31/2021 6:22:00 PM: Laf cmd info: send LAF_CMD_READ, retry #1
5/31/2021 6:22:04 PM: Laf cmd info: send LAF_CMD_READ, retry #2
5/31/2021 6:22:10 PM: OK
5/31/2021 6:22:10 PM: Executing...
5/31/2021 6:22:41 PM: OK
5/31/2021 6:22:43 PM: Done
5/31/2021 6:22:43 PM: Elapsed: 95 secs. --> (v9.83)
5/31/2021 6:22:43 PM:

5/31/2021 6:41:09 PM: Unable to get comport information , check system
5/31/2021 6:41:17 PM: LG 2-3G Tool v9.83
5/31/2021 6:41:17 PM: supported models: 1737
5/31/2021 6:41:17 PM:
5/31/2021 6:42:11 PM: Model: LG K500UM
5/31/2021 6:42:11 PM: Port: COM12
5/31/2021 6:42:11 PM: Operation: FRP reset
5/31/2021 6:42:11 PM:
5/31/2021 6:42:12 PM: Checking Login and Password...
5/31/2021 6:42:39 PM: OK
5/31/2021 6:42:39 PM: Ballance:
5/31/2021 6:42:39 PM: 15 crd.
5/31/2021 6:42:40 PM: You have 15 credit(s) left. This operation takes 10 credits.Continue?
5/31/2021 6:42:40 PM: Yes
5/31/2021 6:42:44 PM: Model name: LM-K500UM
5/31/2021 6:42:44 PM: Software verion: K500UM20k
5/31/2021 6:42:44 PM: Android verion: 10
5/31/2021 6:42:44 PM: Target operator: LAO
5/31/2021 6:42:44 PM: Target country: COM
5/31/2021 6:42:44 PM: Chipset: mt6765
5/31/2021 6:42:44 PM: IMEI: 352488119035500
5/31/2021 6:42:44 PM: Serial: VP01S200721003152
5/31/2021 6:42:44 PM: Reading data from phone...
5/31/2021 6:42:50 PM: OK
5/31/2021 6:42:50 PM: Searching server...
5/31/2021 6:42:52 PM: OK
5/31/2021 6:42:52 PM: Waiting for server answer...
5/31/2021 6:42:52 PM: OK
5/31/2021 6:42:52 PM: Executing...
5/31/2021 6:43:11 PM: OK
5/31/2021 6:43:14 PM: Rebooting...
5/31/2021 6:43:20 PM: OK
5/31/2021 6:43:20 PM: Waiting phone...
5/31/2021 6:43:20 PM: OK
5/31/2021 6:43:20 PM: Phone found at COM12
5/31/2021 6:43:23 PM: Model name: LM-K500UM
5/31/2021 6:43:23 PM: Software verion: K500UM20k
5/31/2021 6:43:23 PM: Android verion: 10
5/31/2021 6:43:23 PM: Target operator: LAO
5/31/2021 6:43:23 PM: Target country: COM
5/31/2021 6:43:23 PM: Chipset: mt6765
5/31/2021 6:43:23 PM: IMEI: 352488119035500
5/31/2021 6:43:23 PM: Serial: VP01S200721003152
5/31/2021 6:43:23 PM: Reading data from phone...
5/31/2021 6:43:28 PM: OK
5/31/2021 6:43:28 PM: Executing...
5/31/2021 6:43:56 PM: OK
5/31/2021 6:43:56 PM: Done
5/31/2021 6:43:56 PM: Elapsed: 76 secs. --> (v9.83)
5/31/2021 6:43:56 PM:
in LG Tool by (420 points)
edited by

1 Answer

0 votes
Hello. Refunded. Not supported at this moment.
by (207k points)