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i need help
i have a credits account  but I can't connect the box and my credit account ,

Account I've been using for 2 years
This account can't be locked with this card because other cards have made their first operaitonon it  , it gives an error  

after the last update it obviously started giving this error
This account can't be locked with this card because other cards have made their first operaitonon it
in Samsung Tool by (180 points)
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1 Answer

0 votes
Hello. Seems like owner attached account to card. You need to resolve this issue with owner or seller who saled this account to you.
by (205k points)
requested me to contact the z3x box team at my dealer
what can i do in this situation
Account and box I have been using for 2 years
started giving this error after the last update
You start using it in october 2019. But before this account used with another card. If you are not owner of this card, seems like you bought used account. Resolve this issue with your seller and next time buy account only from official resellers.
so why did it start giving this error after the last update even though i have used it so far?
Can you help as z3x box service?

because when you look at the box and account matching, I think the first day is different, then the box and the credit account are always the same.
I request your help in this matter
Because 18th october owner attached account to card. Contact your seller (if you  bought this account of course).
Did this transaction take place on November 18, 2021?


I can say that this account is mine and I have the password
Also, even though I have both of them on the box and the account and the box I have been using for 2 years, it is very surprising that it has given such an error since yesterday.
Sorry, we cannot hep. If you have another card that was first used with this account - you can manuaaly deattach account. Otherwise - solve this issue with seller or owner.
So how can we do the deteach operation?
is there a guide on this subject i couldn't find it
Open samsung tool, open settings and press unlink account.
Well, let me tell you, you see my history of using the account with box, right? It's been 2 years.
and I'm in the process
what happened when
I'm getting this error, do you have a fix as an authorized service?
because i still get the same error
even though the account and box are mine and it's been 2 years
Sorry, already answered you. We cannot deaatch this account from card. You should solve this with account owner or seller.
Well, I have one last request from you, can I talk to an authorized z3x box member?

the person I bought the account from is transferring me to the z3x box authorized member

 sales@z3x-team.com - write mail here, but you will get same answer :) Lets repeat once again, before you started using login with provided card, this login was used before with another card. Now owner of this card  start using it few days ago and attached login to card. According to z3x team rules -  login belongs to card (login owner) that used it at first. So we cannot deaatach this login from owner's card. So only seller or owner of this account can solve your problem. 

BTW. You told that seller redirect you here. What the name of reseller? Attach screenshot of messaging with him.


i am from turkey
In turkey we have only one official reseller and its not SERDAR SİLİVRİ. So i think we can stop our discuss at this moment. Next time for prevent situations like this just  work with official resellers only.
Well let me also say something like
my credit account is zsc_beG24tPI
Card SN: ​AA65-52D0
Aren't these two connected?

If you want, you can check the 2-year credit and card sn.

the person I got the credit account from asked me to say it like this