0 votes

i set up a account on easy-jtag section of gsmforum and the site will not even allow me to post an introduction post as it says I need to in oder to ask any questions as a newby - so i cannot get any support there

all i want to do is and and write to my bga153 samsung memory chips.

i have tried for a week with differnet memory chips and i can do antyhing.

i feel that some of my hardware i just purchased must be defective.

my last attempt was using a windows formatted bga153 chip that reads and writes perfectly with my sireda bga153 to usb interface adapter. it reads and writes to the chip just fine.

when i move the chip to the bga153 interface and easy-jtag plus box, i get the same errors over and over

i am a board level engineer but do not know your ahrdware/software. the above screenshot tells me thatthere is no vvc or vvcq power and all the dots are red instead of green. am i missing something.

i have about 300 people waiting for me to be able to read and write my images from one chip to another, but i cant do this if your hardware does not allow me to even get going.

please, please help me or point me in the right direction so i can get some support (other than https://forum.gsmhosting.com/vbb/f672/)

not having any instructions at all available anywhere leads me to guess on how to use this hardware/software

thanks, george



new details: i just downloaded and installed Z3X Easytag EMMC file manager and it shows that there are shorts on VCCQ pins:

Generation: GPT [QC/SAMS]
Box Voltage set to: [2800] mV
Scanner Thread Created.
Setup HiPower CLK: [OFF]
Connecting To EasyJtag Box: [2800mV/42MHz/8BIT]
EasyJtag Box Found! Result: [0/OK]
 CMD Pullup Level: [1] mV
 CMD Active Level: [0] mV
EasyJtag S/N: [xxx]
EasyJtag Firm: [2.53]

Box Bus Width = 8 BIT
Box Hardware  = EasyJtag 2nd Generation

Search EMMC Chip...

Testing Box Interface
 PIN CLK : 65535 mV - Pin Shorted to VCCQ
 PIN CMD : 65535 mV - Pin Shorted to VCCQ
 PIN DAT0: 173 mV - Pin UnConnected
 PIN DAT1: 174 mV - Pin UnConnected
 PIN DAT2: 172 mV - Pin UnConnected
 PIN DAT3: 172 mV - Pin UnConnected
 PIN DAT4: 170 mV - Pin UnConnected
 PIN DAT5: 169 mV - Pin UnConnected
 PIN DAT6: 172 mV - Pin UnConnected
 PIN DAT7: 172 mV - Pin UnConnected
Test End

EMMC NOT Found! Error: [-17/CMD_IDX_ERR]

Scanner Thread Terminated, Elapsed: [00:00:01:734]
Found 0 Partition(s)..
ERROR: Search Partitions Fail.
Check EMMC or Run Pool Test..





My Sireda eMMC to USB adapter has pin 1 on to right corner, just like easy-jtag eMMC module

again, chip reads and writes perfectly with eMMC to USB adapter, but not with easy-jtag adapter

i am lining up the chip with dot on top right corner realted to pin 1 postion on both readers (top right)

eMMC_tool Suite ver. (release date: 05.05.2021)
Microsoft Windows 10 (64 bit) build 19042 (10.0.19041.1151)

Looking for EasyJTAG box...
EasyJTAG API ver. 3403
EasyJTAG Box Serial = xxx
Card Serial = xxx
EasyJTAG Box Firmware = 2.5301


05.05.2021 (ver
Add: New keys for Oppo unpack
Fix: Bugs that have been found through your crash report
05.05.2021 (ver
Add: Vendor LG
Add: Mediatek Preloader Parser
Add: OnePlus Unpacker
Add: Xiaomi Custom EDL Authorization
Add: Xiaomi Remove Mi Account (only Qualcomm)

Setting interface to EasyJtag2/E-Socket
Setting bus width to 8 Bit
Setting frequence to 42 MHz
Can't init device. Reason: Command Index Error

Can't init device. Reason: Command Index Error


Setting interface to EasyJtag2/E-Socket
Setting bus width to 8 Bit
Setting frequence to 42 MHz
Can't init device. Reason: Command Index Error


Setting interface to EasyJtag2/ISP_HiPower
Setting bus width to 1 Bit
HiPower mode is ON

Setting interface to EasyJtag2/ISP_HiPower
Setting bus width to 1 Bit
HiPower mode is ON
Setting frequence to 36 MHz
CMD Pullup Level: 505 mV
CMD Active Level: 812 mV
Can't init device. Reason: CMD Timeout Error

Setting interface to EasyJtag2/UFS

Setting interface to EasyJtag2/UFS
UFS Init Failed, error: 0
in Easy JTAG by (120 points)
edited by

1 Answer

0 votes
Hello. Attach please socket photo. Also attach photo of chip position in socket.
by (207k points)
pictures uploaded, thank you so much for trying to help me!!!
If work via isp connection - all works fine?
i have tried in every mode:






all with same results

nothing works, no green dots, no vcc or vvcq power
Im not asking about mode that you svitching in software. If use isp adapter like this: https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/61Ro2xqtnPL._AC_SL1057_.jpg

and solder wires directly to phone mother board - in this connection mode (isp connection) you able to detect ic?
oh, ok. now i understand (what isp means)

no, i have the isp boards that came as part of the easy-jtag plus kit

it was never my intension to use ISP boards with a phone, i only needed/wanted to use the easy-jtag plus box with the bga153 chip reader adapter that i also purchased

i have the above errors with or without the bga153 adapter connected.

i am thinking that I have a defective box

your thoughts?

thanks again for taking the time to help me with this, much appreciated
For getting 100% correct answer - you should check connection with another 100% working socket or try to connect emmc via isp.
ok, thank you for all of your support
Hi dude. I have the same problem. Did u find any solutions?