0 votes
Pls ca u help me acrivate my box SN.AAB9AE63 thank you in advance
in Activation by (150 points)
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2 Answers

0 votes
Please contact your reseller for activation.  They must add the serial number of your card to the server.
by (102k points)

thats my box please help me how many times i contact the GsmShark but no response untill now help me z3x team..

Wait, we are contact with your seller. Can you provide invoice for faster processing?

thats only i get when i purchase online reseller is SharkGSM thanks in advace z3x team...

Z3x pro box

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Wait for a while we are trying to contact seller
Thanks in advance for helping us... Z3x team make yuor products good always for our same z3x supporter....
Card added to server,  Sams activation available
Ok,vou fazer a conexão e dou o retorno!
Z3x team can help also eldinaldo i he have samo problem thanks and advance... Z3x team is da best....
Thank you very much to you and z3x team action always right thanks again....
Agradeço se poder me ajudar também,a minha permanece com o mesmo problema.
A equipe muito atenciosa,está de parabéns,espero que possa me ajudar com a minha z3x

Edinaldo2709 please create your own request by asking a question


Já fiz a solicitação, obrigado.
0 votes
Estou com o mesmo problema
by (170 points)
You order also on bangood.com?
Sim,foi pelo banggood!
Bangood is not good its says activated but is not we are wasting money if we can activate this z3x box all we need is our z3x team to solved our problem how many times i contact the GsmShark but no response this box is useless how they make this product to break the z3x product is worst and usless box right now only chance is z3x team