0 votes
hello i have easy jtag plus can we put pandora active in it

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in Activation by (200 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Hello. How you imagine connecting jtag to pandora?
by (207k points)
no i want to activate pandora to jtag

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Same question, how you imagine connecting phones to jtag? Anyway, pandora its not activation.
There is nothing to be mocked here, I am not dreaming of any dreams, I have an easy jtag plus box, I said, is it possible to add pandora to it, you just have a misunderstanding here.

Topluluk Tarafından Doğrulandı simgesi

Card SN - AAB0DCE6
Reseller: sharkgsm
Card activated - 2022-02-22 17:36:28
Download limit per day - 20
Lg Tool - NOT available, activation possible
Pandora - NOT available, activation possible
Samsung Tool PRO - NOT available, activation possible
Easy Jtag - activated 2022-02-22 17:38:05
Easy Jtag Plus - activated 2022-02-22 17:38:05

Its just card info. For using pandora its required to have pandora hardware - same as for using easy jtag, you need to have easy jtag box.

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