0 votes
[06-14-2022 23:54:04] Selected model: Alcatel 9032T (3T8)
[06-14-2022 23:54:04] Operation: Unlock network
[06-14-2022 23:54:04] Software version: 3.6
[06-14-2022 23:54:04]
[06-14-2022 23:54:04] Host Power Off... OK
[06-14-2022 23:54:04] Switch virtual port to USB... OK
[06-14-2022 23:54:04] Connect Type-C to BOX... OK
[06-14-2022 23:54:04] Host Power On... OK
[06-14-2022 23:54:04] Connect phone to BOX in BROM mode
[06-14-2022 23:54:04] Wait for device... OK
[06-14-2022 23:54:11] Read usbhost speed... HIGH
[06-14-2022 23:54:11] Read Device Descriptor...
[06-14-2022 23:54:11] Get VID/PID...0E8D/0003
[06-14-2022 23:54:11] Send start cmd... OK
[06-14-2022 23:54:11] Get HW code from device... 0717
[06-14-2022 23:54:11] Get HW & SW version from device... OK
[06-14-2022 23:54:11] HW VER: CA01, SW VER: 0200, HW SUB CODE: 8A00
[06-14-2022 23:54:11] Detect chip [MT6761]
[06-14-2022 23:54:11] Get sec config... OK [000000E7]
[06-14-2022 23:54:11] Active sec flags: [SBC SLA DAA]
[06-14-2022 23:54:11] Advanced Bypass Security... OK
[06-14-2022 23:54:12] Disconnect virtual port... OK
[06-14-2022 23:54:12] Connect Type-C to HUB... OK
[06-14-2022 23:54:12] Wait for device connecting... OK
[06-14-2022 23:54:13] Driver: [MediaTek Inc.,wdm_usb,MediaTek USB Port,usb2ser.sys,3.0.1504.0]
[06-14-2022 23:54:13] Device found at COM145 [BROM]
[06-14-2022 23:54:13] Open port... OK
[06-14-2022 23:54:13] Send start cmd... OK
[06-14-2022 23:54:13] Get HW code from device... 0717
[06-14-2022 23:54:13] Get HW & SW version from device... OK
[06-14-2022 23:54:13] HW VER: CA01, SW VER: 0200, HW SUB CODE: 8A00
[06-14-2022 23:54:13] Detect chip [MT6761]
[06-14-2022 23:54:13] Library Version [2]
[06-14-2022 23:54:13] Select platform... OK
[06-14-2022 23:54:13] Init BROM... OK
[06-14-2022 23:54:13] Force Charge... OK
[06-14-2022 23:54:13] Disable WatchDog Timer... OK
[06-14-2022 23:54:13] Reopen port for libver2... OK
[06-14-2022 23:54:13] Get ME ID... OK
[06-14-2022 23:54:13] ME_ID = 0x0AA1C58D, 0x3A9B6B80, 0x50A24C1A, 0xE86E2D12
[06-14-2022 23:54:13] Get Chip ID... [MT6761]
[06-14-2022 23:54:13] Get SOC ID... [BCEDD4A9B948F7B89DE16BFD9870F2BFEDD0C6FD4D7981E1F6CCFB4F94CF1D08]
[06-14-2022 23:54:13] Get sec config... OK [000000E0]
[06-14-2022 23:54:13] Load DownloadAgent... OK
[06-14-2022 23:54:13] Search DA... OK [5]
[06-14-2022 23:54:13] Send preloader... OK
[06-14-2022 23:54:13] Start preloader... OK
[06-14-2022 23:54:13] Check preloader answer... OK
[06-14-2022 23:54:15] Send bootloader... OK
[06-14-2022 23:54:16] Start bootloader... OK
[06-14-2022 23:54:16] Wait for answer from bootloader... OK
[06-14-2022 23:54:16] Send SYNC signal... OK
[06-14-2022 23:54:16] Setup device enviroment... OK
[06-14-2022 23:54:16] Setup device parametres... OK
[06-14-2022 23:54:16] Receive DA SYNC signal... OK
[06-14-2022 23:54:17] Set DA parametres... OK
[06-14-2022 23:54:17] Get device connection agent... [BROM]
[06-14-2022 23:54:17] Get device info... OK
[06-14-2022 23:54:17] EMMC_ID: 0x150100445836384D4209A030D043B77F
[06-14-2022 23:54:17] Load EMI from phone... OK
[06-14-2022 23:54:17] Parse EMI config... OK
[06-14-2022 23:54:17] Init EXT RAM... OK
[06-14-2022 23:54:18] Send 2nd DA... OK
[06-14-2022 23:54:20] Get device info... OK
[06-14-2022 23:54:20] EMMC INFO:
[06-14-2022 23:54:20] EMMC_ID : 0x150100445836384D4209A030D043B77F
[06-14-2022 23:54:20] EMMC_BOOT1: 0x0000400000 (4.00Mb)
[06-14-2022 23:54:20] EMMC_BOOT2: 0x0000400000 (4.00Mb)
[06-14-2022 23:54:20] EMMC_RPMB : 0x0000400000 (4.00Mb)
[06-14-2022 23:54:20] EMMC_USER : 0x0747C00000 (29.12Gb)
[06-14-2022 23:54:20] RAM INFO:
[06-14-2022 23:54:20] INT_SRAM: 0x000003A500 (233.25Kb)
[06-14-2022 23:54:20] EXT_RAM : 0x00C0000000 (3.00Gb)
[06-14-2022 23:54:20] Check USB status... USB_HIGH_SPEED
[06-14-2022 23:54:20] Read partitions info from phone... OK
[06-14-2022 23:54:20] Check A/B state... OK
[06-14-2022 23:54:20] Read product info... OK
[06-14-2022 23:54:21] Product Brand : Alcatel
[06-14-2022 23:54:21] Product Manufacturer : TCL
[06-14-2022 23:54:21] Product Model : 9032Z

[06-14-2022 23:54:21] Product Name : 9032Z
[06-14-2022 23:54:21] Product Device : Apollo_8_4G_TMO
[06-14-2022 23:54:21] Product Board : apollo84gtmo
[06-14-2022 23:54:21] Board Platform : MT6761
[06-14-2022 23:54:21] Build ID : QP1A.190711.020
[06-14-2022 23:54:21] Build Date : Thu Apr 28 22:03:08 CST 2022
[06-14-2022 23:54:21] Display ID : QP1A.190711.020 release-keys
[06-14-2022 23:54:21] Security Patch : 2022-04-05
[06-14-2022 23:54:21] Version SDK : 29
[06-14-2022 23:54:21] Version Release : 10
[06-14-2022 23:54:21] Version Codename : REL
[06-14-2022 23:54:21] Firmware Version : v1C6X-0
[06-14-2022 23:54:21] Read security partition from phone... OK
[06-14-2022 23:54:25] Read security files... OK
[06-14-2022 23:54:25] Read security files... OK
[06-14-2022 23:54:25] Read lock info... OK
[06-14-2022 23:54:26] Read OTP... OK
[06-14-2022 23:54:28] Unlock... OK [DF1, DF2, SM]
[06-14-2022 23:54:28] Write lock info... OK
[06-14-2022 23:54:29] Write security partition to phone... OK
[06-14-2022 23:54:35] Network Unlock done!
in General questions by (430 points)

3 Answers

0 votes
Hi sir, what tool is this that you made the unlock network ?
by (430 points)
Pandora tool i used 9032t
0 votes
I'm on software version 3.8

It always gets stuck on Write Lock Info....

Would it be possible to upload the firmware you used to unlock ?


Thanks in advance.
by (300 points)
Man unlock process finish but still not unlock


This is the firmware 9032z dump with 9032t as you said


0 votes
saludos ,tengo esa misma y no quiere conectar,como lo conecto?
by (140 points)
Tienes que elegir su modelo exacto y tambien tienes que tener tus drivers MTK bien configurados y luego conectas apagado para que la herramienta haga el proceso y si todo esta bien con tus drivers entonces lo hara sin problema... Ese proceso es el que hago yo y salen sin problema alguno...