0 votes
Necesito descargar un firmware para flash pero cuando le soy a descargar me sale el mensaje de No se puede iniciar sesiĆ³n en el servidor!.

Necesito ayuda con ese problema porfavor.


I need to download a firmware for flash but when I am downloading I get the message of Unable to login to the server !.

I need help with that problem please.
in Samsung Tool by

1 Answer

0 votes
1= connect box your pc
2= open shell
3= settings and card tools
4= run card wizard

then update new shell 4.8.3
by (102k points)
Follow the same problem

Does it display card information? 

You may try to reinstall card drivers manually.  

Install new shell, install box drivers, USB drivers...

 Then go to C/program files>> Z3x folder>> Card Drivers and install (Setup_W2k_XP) to install card drivers.

And 2nd step: Go to C/program files>> Z3x folder>> Reader Drivers and install (Cypress reader drivers installer)

Hope, this will help

hola tengo el mismo problema  intento hacer lo que esplicas pero pasa lo mismo y no me deja ni siquiera actualizar me tira error  al descargar

 fullrepair please create your own request by asking a question. And add there  your public IP from this link 
