0 votes
Hi, team, Bachto here

I try to do FRP to a SAMSUNG A127M, but doesn't work , i get the error 0,  even i flash the phone but i get the same result, doesn't work, fortunately i try with other tool and solved the problem, but this happend with many phones in the last month, i like know if you work in a improved FRP processure for the new's patch, it's all, thanks, team.
Operation: Reset FRP
Selected model: SM-A127M
Software version: 44.17

Searching Samsung modem... detected COM31
Reading phone info...
Model: SM-A127M
AP version: A127MUBU6BVH2
CSC version: A127MOWO6BVH1
CP version: A127MUBU6BVH1
OS version: 12
Product code: MXO
Phone SN: R5
IMEI: 3530
Unique number: CD
Checking avaiable method... OK
Go to 'Emergency call' and dial *#0*# If the code does not work, then reflash the phone OK
Executing 1st step... error (0)
Reboot phone and try again.
in Samsung Tool by (140 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Hello. Test menu appears?
by (200k points)
Yes, the test menu appear, but  i get the error (0), even with other models what i usually work. The tool i be mencionated say "Aug 2022 security" and this process work.
Hm, try older firmware if avaible for this bit.
I do it, doesn't work, but with that tool (is free) can do the job, please, improved the metod
Thanks, we will recheck it.