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in Samsung Tool by (140 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Hello. Provide card sn for recheck.
by (200k points)
sir card serial no .  AA108BAE  cheak my 30+ credit z3x and recover my user name and pasword ...plz
reply fast sir...
Provide card read info screenshot.



RESELLER: gsmsources

card activated - 2018-05-26  00:00:00
card infomation send cheak it....
not make screen shoot copy paste i share all information screen shoot with you plz cheak and give me user name and pasword
screen shoot not work on this software not copy paste all informatio send you top plz cheak
Provide screenshot of card read info from shell, also in screenshot must presents windows tray with date.
35929205070370Card SN - AA108BAE
Reseller: gsmsources
Card activated - 2018-05-26 00:00:00
Download limit per day - 20
Lg Tool - NOT available, activation possible
Pandora - NOT available, activation possible
Samsung Tool - activated 2018-05-26 00:00:00
Samsung Tool PRO - activated 2018-05-26 00:00:00
Easy Jtag Plus - NOT available, activation possible
here shell card infomation  complete cheak and recover my credit account...
sir reply fast ....
I am waitng your answer sir plz help me...
Do you understand word "screenshot"? If no - use translator.
Card SN - AA108BAE
Reseller: gsmsources
Card activated - 2018-05-26 00:00:00
Download limit per day - 20
Lg Tool - NOT available, activation possible
Pandora - NOT available, activation possible
Samsung Tool - activated 2018-05-26 00:00:00
Samsung Tool PRO - activated 2018-05-26 00:00:00
Easy Jtag Plus - NOT available, activation possible