0 votes

it stucks in "waiting for devices" when i pluged usb to powerd off phone
without force brom option nothing happens 
what is the problem
first i want to read info and then flash scatter.
and what is the test point or key combo for brom mode?
thanks a lot (:

Selected model: Lg K350Z (K8)
Operation: Read Flash Info
Software version: 4.2

Host Power Off... OK
Switch virtual port to NONE... OK
Connect Type-C to HUB... OK
Host Power On... OK
Connect phone to BOX in BROM/PRELOADER Mode
Waiting for device... OK
Driver: [LG Electronics Inc.,UsbDiag,LGE Mobile USB Serial Port,lgx64diag.sys,]
Device found at COM69 [PRELOADER]
Open port... OK
Send start cmd... OK
Get HW code from device... 0321
Get sec config... OK [00000005]
Active sec flags: [SBC DAA]
Get HW & SW version from device... OK
HW VER: CA00, SW VER: 0000, HW SUB CODE: 8A00
Detect chip [MT6735]
Library Version [1]
Select platform... OK
Init BROM... OK
Force Charge... OK
Disable WatchDog Timer... OK
Force switch to BROM... OK
Host Power Off... OK
Switch virtual port to USB... OK
Connect Type-C to BOX... OK
Host Power On... OK
Waiting for device...
in General questions by (300 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Hello. You should use testpoint in this case.
by (202k points)
could you share the test point of k350z.
i could not find it on the Internet