0 votes
[ Patch Certificate ] Operation: Patch Certificate
[ Patch Certificate ] Selected model: SM-A307GN
[ Patch Certificate ] Software version: 44.17
[ Patch Certificate ]
[ Patch Certificate ] Waiting ADB device... OK
[ Patch Certificate ] Reading phone info...
[ Patch Certificate ] Model: SM-A307GN
[ Patch Certificate ] Android version: 11
[ Patch Certificate ] PDA version: A307GNDXU4CUF2
[ Patch Certificate ] CSC version: A307GNOLM4CUF3
[ Patch Certificate ] Phone version: A307GDXU4CUF2
[ Patch Certificate ] Product code: SM-A307GZKWXME
[ Patch Certificate ] CSC country code: MALAYSIA
[ Patch Certificate ] CSC sales code: XME
[ Patch Certificate ] Carrier ID: XME
[ Patch Certificate ] Phone SN: RF8N10KRNYW
[ Patch Certificate ] IMEI:
[ Patch Certificate ] HW version: MP 0.1B0
[ Patch Certificate ] RF cal date: 20200107
[ Patch Certificate ] Chip name: EXYNOS7904
[ Patch Certificate ] Modem board: SHANNON327
[ Patch Certificate ] Security patch: 2021-05-01
[ Patch Certificate ] Boot Warranty bit: 1
[ Patch Certificate ] SIM State: ABSENT,ABSENT
[ Patch Certificate ] Checking Super user right... false
[ Patch Certificate ] A system-as-root phone type was detected. If root is installed, then need to restart the phone in recovery mode. Continue?  Yes
[ Patch Certificate ] Rebooting phone to recovery mode... OK
[ Patch Certificate ] Waiting for device to become ready... OK
[ Patch Certificate ] Checking Super user right... true
[ Patch Certificate ] Root version: 25.2:MAGISKSU
[ Patch Certificate ] Removing patch cert... OK
[ Patch Certificate ] Checking data... OK
[ Patch Certificate ] Searching server... OK
[ Patch Certificate ] Checking server answer... OK
[ Patch Certificate ] Data preparation... OK
[ Patch Certificate ] Searching server... OK
[ Patch Certificate ] Waiting for server answer... OK
[ Patch Certificate ] Patching... OK
[ Patch Certificate ] Rebooting phone... OK
in Samsung Tool by (240 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Hello. Change magisk to 24.3 version and repeat operation.
by (207k points)
after pas 1 night after patch again being ng even if root with magisk 24.3 pls fix this problem.there is same problem with a40
Try to flash some another firmware, clean install magisk 24.3 and repeat.