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please shift all activations to pandora box
related to an answer for: Z3X Samsung Tool Pro shift to Pandora Box
in Activation by (180 points)
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2 Answers

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that's it
by (180 points)
0 votes
Provide also:

IP adress in text format

Both sides old smart card photo

Reason for transfer?
by (199k points)

my ip:

old box:


new box:



remove the old box and use all activations on one box.

The last one - download some file from support with old card and tell the file name. Thanks.

SamsungEditor 3.2



Product sams_upd sams_pro sams transferred from AA1589E9 to AA5E7C0C
How transfer my credits from old card to new card
i cant open samsung tool pro with my old box to deattach my account.
Account login?
no, credits account
i cant open samsung tool pro with my old box to deattach my credits account.
Account name?
Its not attached to any card.
but when i attach it, i give a error that can't be locked
help me please

the credit account cant be attached with new box and give me error that the account attached with other box.

pandora box cant change xiaomi imei and i test every way to change but just restart or load system with imei null
Hello. Where are logs? Why you posting here instead create new thread?
i create a thread for imei in gsmhosting.

please check the credit account.

it cant attach with my new box and error that attached by old box.

user name: zsc_sebMH3j6
Provide screenshot of error.


the software give me this error
Account not locked. You just cant lock it to card.
i told this account attached by old box that you transfer to new box.

i forgive deattach it and the old box cant open software because have not any activations.

please deattach it.
Im told you 3d time, that account not attached. This error means that account used at first with another card and you cannot attach it to any other card. But you can use it without problems.
if i sell my old box and the costumer active it, he cant use my credits?
How he can do this without login/password?