0 votes
I neec the klogin and pass for changing IMEI, it says its free to do but i have to have a login and pass to get it. card serial: AA1DF20E
in Samsung Tool by (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes


Here you can read more details about using credits. 

You can buy a new credit account or refill credits to an existing one you have. Inform your sales manager about it while ordering the item. Otherwise, the system will automatically create a new account for z3x credits.

Please be attentive as there is no possibility of combining credits from two different accounts.

Please, note:

  1. If your seller is not present in the list, you buy credits at your own risk.
  2. Do not share your credit account password with anyone else.
  3. We recommend you to attach the credit account to your z3x card immediately after purchase.

These simple rules will help to save your time and money.

Here is some of our resellers:

Country: China, Hong Kong 
Web https://www.imei.us . ( Instant Avalable Z3x Unlock Credits)
Web https://www.gsmeasyshop.com
E-mail info.gsmeasy@gmail.com
Phone 8613926070786
Skype gsmeasy
WhatsUp 008613926070786
QQ 414671997
Sonork 100.1576815

Country: Hong Kong and WorldWide 
Web https://www.gsmserver.com . (Buy Z3x Unlock Credits Online)
E-mail info.gsmserver.com
Phone: +85239733882
Skype: gsmserver.com, sonnka123456, ventasgsm.es
Sonork: 100.85899, 100.1587356,

SimSim Electronics LLC
location: Dubai, UAE
Phone: +971 4 2727113
ICQ: 129081860
Sonork: 100.37251
E-mail: hamsfazil @ gmail.com
Skype: hams.fazil 

Country: Pakistan, UAE "Dubai"
Contact person Muhammad Salman
Web http://www.gsmfastest.com
E-mail admin@gsmfastest.com
Phone +923007859995
Skype GsmSalman
WhatsUp +923007859995
Viber +923007859995
Sonork 100.1601293

Also, you can check full resellers list here: https://z3x-team.com/resellers/

by (207k points)
but i dont wanna buy credits, it says its a free operation, can i not just have an empty account free?
Yes, its free, but you should have account for using server-based operations.
so can you give me an account please?

You can buy a new credit account or refill credits to an existing one you have. Inform your sales manager about it while ordering the item. Otherwise, the system will automatically create a new account for z3x credits.

Please be attentive as there is no possibility of combining credits from two different accounts.

Please, note:

  1. If your seller is not present in the list, you buy credits at your own risk.
  2. Do not share your credit account password with anyone else.
  3. We recommend you to attach the credit account to your z3x card immediately after purchase.

These simple rules will help to save your time and money.

Here is some of our resellers:

Country: China, Hong Kong 
Web https://www.imei.us . ( Instant Avalable Z3x Unlock Credits)
Web https://www.gsmeasyshop.com
E-mail info.gsmeasy@gmail.com
Phone 8613926070786
Skype gsmeasy
WhatsUp 008613926070786
QQ 414671997
Sonork 100.1576815

Country: Hong Kong and WorldWide 
Web https://www.gsmserver.com . (Buy Z3x Unlock Credits Online)
E-mail info.gsmserver.com
Phone: +85239733882
Skype: gsmserver.com, sonnka123456, ventasgsm.es
Sonork: 100.85899, 100.1587356,

SimSim Electronics LLC
location: Dubai, UAE
Phone: +971 4 2727113
ICQ: 129081860
Sonork: 100.37251
E-mail: hamsfazil @ gmail.com
Skype: hams.fazil 

Country: Pakistan, UAE "Dubai"
Contact person Muhammad Salman
Web http://www.gsmfastest.com
E-mail admin@gsmfastest.com
Phone +923007859995
Skype GsmSalman
WhatsUp +923007859995
Viber +923007859995
Sonork 100.1601293

Also, you can check full resellers list here: https://z3x-team.com/resellers/

so not free you have to buy credits?