0 votes
Checking Login and Password... OK
 Balance: 10 crd.
 You have 10 credit(s) left. This operation takes 5 credits. Continue?  Yes
 Waiting ADB device... OK
 Reading phone info...
 Model: SM-A102U
 Android version: 10
 PDA version: A102USQU8BTK2
 CSC version: A102UOYN8BTK2
 Phone version: A102USQU8ATJ1
 Product code: SM2A102UZKACHA
 CSC country code: USA
 CSC sales code: CHA
 Carrier ID: CHA
 Phone SN: RF8MA33XHBV
 IMEI: 357854100613057
 HW version: REV1.0
 RF cal date: 20191028
 Chip name: EXYNOS7884B
 Modem board: SHANNON327
 Security patch: 2020-11-01
 Boot Warranty bit: 0
 Initialization zTool... OK
 Running zTool, please wait... OK
 Reading data from phone... OK
 Waiting ADB device... OK
 Searching Samsung diag port... detected COM473
 Checking diag port... OK
 Searching Samsung modem... detected COM474
 Searching server... OK
 Checking server answer... OK
 Reading data from phone... OK
 Backuping diag data... OK
 Executing... OK
 Restoring diag data... OK
 Reading data from phone... OK
 Calculating... OK
 Searching server... OK
 Waiting for server answer...
in Samsung Tool by (310 points)

5 Answers

0 votes
Best answer
Hello. Repeat operation once again. If credits will be consumed again - we wil refund.
by (201k points) 1 flag
selected by
0 votes
Checking Login and Password... OK
Balance: 5 crd.
You have 5 credit(s) left. This operation takes 5 credits. Continue?  Yes
Waiting ADB device... OK
Reading phone info...
Model: SM-A102U
Android version: 10
PDA version: A102USQU8BTK2
CSC version: A102UOYN8BTK2
Phone version: A102USQU8ATJ1
Product code: SM2A102UZKACHA
CSC country code: USA
CSC sales code: CHA
Carrier ID: CHA
IMEI: 357854100613057
HW version: REV1.0
RF cal date: 20191028
Chip name: EXYNOS7884B
Modem board: SHANNON327
Security patch: 2020-11-01
Boot Warranty bit: 0
Initialization zTool... OK
Running zTool, please wait... OK
Reading data from phone... OK
Waiting ADB device... OK
Searching Samsung diag port... detected COM473
Checking diag port... OK
Searching Samsung modem... detected COM474
Searching server... OK
Checking server answer... OK
Reading data from phone... OK
Backuping diag data... OK
Executing... OK
Restoring diag data... OK
Reading data from phone... OK
Calculating... OK
Searching server... OK
Waiting for server answer...
by (310 points)
Refunded 5. Disable firewall, change isp and try again. Post result.
0 votes
تم استهلاك 10 كريديت بدون اي فتئدة
by (310 points)
0 votes
First, I apologize if there are any mistakes on my part
You have attempted to unlock twice and the credit has already been used up
However, I have recharged my account again. I am waiting for all 10 credits to be returned
I see that this problem is common and does not have a radical solution. I also tried with another computer, and it did not work
by (310 points)
0 votes
Checking Login and Password... OK
Balance: 10 crd.
You have 10 credit(s) left. This operation takes 5 credits. Continue?  Yes
Waiting ADB device... OK
Reading phone info...
Model: SM-A102U
Android version: 10
PDA version: A102USQU8BTK2
CSC version: A102UOYN8BTK2
Phone version: A102USQU8ATJ1
Product code: SM2A102UZKACHA
CSC country code: USA
CSC sales code: CHA
Carrier ID: CHA
IMEI: 357854100613057
HW version: REV1.0
RF cal date: 20191028
Chip name: EXYNOS7884B
Modem board: SHANNON327
Security patch: 2020-11-01
Boot Warranty bit: 0
Initialization zTool... OK
Running zTool, please wait... OK
Reading data from phone... OK
Waiting ADB device... OK
Searching Samsung diag port... detected COM473
Checking diag port... OK
Searching Samsung modem... detected COM474
Searching server... OK
Checking server answer... OK
Reading data from phone... OK
Backuping diag data... OK
Executing... OK
Restoring diag data... OK
Reading data from phone... OK
Calculating... OK
Searching server... OK
Waiting for server answer...


15 credits have been consumed without any interest. Why don't you return the balance and solve the problem? I don't have any problems with my device.
by (310 points)