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el telefono sigue bloqueado y 2 veces me descontaron 5 creditos como pueden ver exigo mi devolucion de creditos
in Samsung Tool by (120 points)
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1 Answer

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Hello. Set english language and provide lock photo.
by (207k points)

I unlocked the phone 2 times and it did not unlock and I took 10 credits, I ask for my credit return

I dont see any lock message at screenshots.

In the first image the block appears, which says voice blocking is not allowed, the imei is clean, I passed the root as you can see in my image, I went through the procedure twice and it did not come out, I demand the return of my credits, if not that I would bother to write to him.

Show image with block message please.

my imei is clean and approved, as you can see.

That is the blocking message that comes out friend, the phone until the root passes it and it is nothing and has the evidence.  unlock by root.
I demand the return of my 10 credits.  I am showing you the justification of my image 2 times I pse and two baits charged me and the unlocking through root did not come out, I demand my return of credits.
It is so difficult to get my credits back while I am giving you the photos of the process and the phone continues without the release.  And by the way, he charges me twice for the same procedure and so you don't refund me.
Accorging to provided screenshots - your phone not locked. Check hardware, sim card, compatible bands etc.
Everything is already verified.  and the movistar band lifts up with his band, I changed the rom to root it, I passed z3x 2 times as you can see and I didn't release the band, that's why I demand my devolution of credits.  Its original operator is Movistar.  Now not even for Movistar does it lift since I changed the rom for one from Brazil.  I am waiting for the return of my credits.