0 votes
Hi, good morning. Excuse me. I was reading the codes on an a530f with samsung tool pro and it deducted the credits but it didn't give me the unlock code
Operation: Read Codes via Server [OLD]
  Selected model: SM-A530F
  Software version: 45.10
  Checking Login and Password... OK
  Balance: 25 crd.
  You have 25 credit(s) left. This operation takes 5 credits. Continue? Forks
  Waiting ADB device... OK
  Reading phone info...
  Model: SM-A530F
  Android version: 7.1.1
  PDA version: A530FXXU1AQL2
  CSC version: A530FUWE1AQL2
  Phone version: A530FXXU1AQL2
  Product code: SM-A530FZKLIUS
  CSC country code: Mexico
  CSC sales code: IUS
  Carrier ID: IUS
  Phone SN: R28K121X7YB
  IMEI: 355037090317853
  HW version: MP 0.300
  RF cal date: 20180113
  Chip name: EXYNOS7885
  Modem board: SHANNON327
  Security patch: 2017-12-01
  Boot Warranty bit: 0
  Initialization zTool...OK
  Running zTool, please wait... OK
  Reading data from phone... OK
  Searching server...OK
  Checking server answer... OK
  Reading data from phone... OK
  Searching server...OK
  Waiting for server answer...
in Samsung Tool by (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Hello. Codes: 52904168
by (201k points)
thanks i solved the problem