0 votes

Hice frp de un LG Q630HA me cobro los 10 creditos pero sigue bloqueado

I did frp of an LG Q630HA, it charged me the 10 credits but it is still blocked


LG 2-3G Tool v9.83
supported models: 1737

Model: LG Q630HA
Port: COM45
Operation: FRP reset

Checking Login and Password... OK
Ballance: 10 crd.
You have 10 credit(s) left. This operation takes 10 credits.Continue?  Yes
Model name: LM-Q630HA
Software verion: Q630HA30a
Android verion: 11
Target operator: LAO
Target country: COM
Chipset: mt6765
IMEI: 354329116322806
Serial: LCL2S210406308525
Reading data from phone... OK
Searching server... OK
Waiting for server answer... OK
Executing... OK
Rebooting... OK
Waiting phone... OK
Phone found at COM45
Model name: LM-Q630HA
Software verion: Q630HA30a
Android verion: 11
Target operator: LAO
Target country: COM
Chipset: mt6765
IMEI: 354329116322806
Serial: LCL2S210406308525
Reading data from phone... OK
Executing... OK
Elapsed: 50 secs. --> (v9.83)
in LG Tool by (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Hello. Refunded. Currently this version not supported.
by (207k points)