0 votes
z3x team please help me after windows this error,No more ettempts to bind new pc until 29,8,2023 please solve my problem ,please help  resaler not solve he said contact z3x,, please if you change my pasowrd this is very best for me
in Activation by (140 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Hello. Svitch attempts wasted. Use with latest pc till this date.
by (202k points)
sir this is my main pc please one time limt to increase please please please
sir thanks but i dont know  please take 1 attemt,then won't make a mistake again please please help me sir only use one pc in future
Software showing warn message before and after every bind.
yes sir shoing,but i dont know same pc take one attemt plese help ,this time know everything after mistake , in future  no mistake please kindly, my unterstands please help only one time please
sir i dont know english ,using  google translate plese one time help me ,software showing all warns but  i misunderstood