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I Want to Add My Card (AAD36ECE) to Z3X Server Pls Fast

I Bought the Box From My Area and he Told Me I contacted the resseller to add it but I wait a lot no Response

I Contact Many Resseler Not Response

Can You Help Me Pls Fast

in Activation by (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Hello. Only reseller able to solve this issue.
by (205k points)
No Response At All

but you Say in Pic if reseller not response contact us Can you add for me?
No, we dont have this possibility. This can do only reseller.

I would like to sign out my new account ( zsc_k5di1FNT )from this Serial

to my box


Hello. Connect old card and unlink account in samsung tool or new z3x shell.

Can You Tell me The Steps to unlink My Account from old z3x card to new one
cuz it is not work with me

thank you
You cannot attach it to another card. Only deaatach from old.