0 votes
I was using it as normal, I think at thiresday I was using it now it's  saying fingerprint changed, I had 2 chances, and didn't understand the reason because I had 4, I used one to login, then I stayed without using it, but now something is wrong

Here is the login plz recheck.

in General questions by (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Hello. Login used in different countries. Change password via reseller.
by (203k points)
I've too many costumers waiting theirs mobiles here , so I don't know what I can do

Reseller dosen't reply my emails

Do that now I contacted the support

So on Pandora 5.7 I can change password if you give me a chance
I use VPN sometimes I think it affected, I'd like to know it's used on different computer or no ?
VPN cannot change pc. Your login used in different countries and different pc. Name of reseller?
On WhatsApp groups the person bought on server that I fdon' know I asked gum to change, said i've to buy another account, now I don't know what I can do, Pandora is unique tool that I have, now I'm really poor
Resolve this issue with your seller. Only official reseller able to change password.
Now Pandora in the new update can change, but to login and change I've to wait until October
Plz see how far is 25 October
My desktop us this one JN5RALD plz