0 votes
Checking Login and Password... OK
Balance: 20 crd.
You have 20 credit(s) left. This operation takes 5 credits. Continue?  Yes
Waiting ADB device... OK
Reading phone info...
Model: SM-N960U
Android version: 10
PDA version: N960USQU9FVG2
CSC version: N960UOYN9FVG2
Phone version: N960USQU9FVG2
Product code: SM-N960UZKACHA
CSC country code: USA
CSC sales code: SPR
Carrier ID: CHA
IMEI: 358,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1
HW version: REV1.1
RF cal date: 2019.03.26
Chip name: SDM845
Modem board: SDM845
Security patch: 2022-06-01
Boot Warranty bit: 0
This phone has CSC(SPR) and CarrierId(CHA) and unlock is not supported by this method

Done with Samsung Tool PRO v.45.14 [SM-N960U,Unlock SPR via Server]
in Samsung Tool by (150 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Best answer
Hello. Currently this carrier not supported.
by (207k points)
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