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i forget my password my User is zcs_TOuUYCdr
in General questions by (120 points)

1 Answer

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Hello. Check private messages.
by (205k points)

plz sir my problem solved im buy pendora online login as testing im try my friend pc login im us this z3x card some day i need on my laptop im login laptop via fingerprint  but my frined login agine after 48h itry my all pc and end login 4 month 4 try   ..  now login my z3x card  and my laptop but after update 5.7 my Friend active email after show my friend email in my account  im sad  i have full proof my acoount buy for plz remove email and add my email i have  Password if you need im share prievat 

Contact reseller for restore password and reset email.

my reseller say no option avaleble for change email  sir dont mind z3x big team 

ChimeraTool is small but ChimeraTool tool online suport fast and problem solved in min sir in you update big bug is email id aproved allready login pasword  

Robber pc not login all attempt end  but after update password change 


Robber login and show password change now im stuk my pandora login my z3x card if Robber get password from your suport my account lose 

please verfing my details via my reseller and remove Robber email id and save my account plz
