0 votes
hi we are facing many mtk phones with preloader connection, for flashing security repair unlocking frp and much more are not working with this tool nor their is any update in concern with it, preloader to broom crash also not working...... treid repairing IMEI of realme narzo 30 pro rmx2117 but device not shown in the list so tried with realme 7 rmx2117 it fixed but after update imei gets corrupted again...

so kindly add preloader option so can fix with latest patch without downgrading and repairing.... many tools have fixed it preloader have to pay 3rd party extra for these service kindly provide update in upcoming updates please
in General questions by (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Hello. Provide more examples with logs.
by (203k points)
Send start cmd... OK
Get HW code from device... 0996
Get sec config... OK [000000E5]
Active sec flags: [SBC DAA]
Get HW & SW version from device... OK
HW VER: CA00, SW VER: 0000, HW SUB CODE: 8A00
Detect chip [MT6853]
LibUSB installed
Library Version [2]
Select platform... OK
Init BROM... OK
Force Charge... OK
Disable WatchDog Timer... OK
Release testpoint, waiting 2 seconds
Advanced Bypass Security... OK
Waiting for device... OK
Driver: [MediaTek Inc.,wdm_usb,MediaTek USB Port_V1632,usb2ser.sys,3.0.1504.0]
Device found at COM6 [BROM]
Open port... OK
Send start cmd... OK
Get HW code from device... 0996
Get sec config... OK [000000E0]
Active sec flags: []
Get HW & SW version from device... OK
HW VER: CA00, SW VER: 0000, HW SUB CODE: 8A00
Detect chip [MT6853]
Library Version [2]
Select platform... OK
Init BROM... OK
Force Charge... OK
Disable WatchDog Timer... OK
Reopen port for libver2... OK
Get ME ID... OK
ME_ID =  0xB71E6008, 0xB92391CD, 0x99FAF801, 0xE6C86FAB
Get Chip ID... [MT6853]
Get SOC ID... [636BA7D9ECE120A198DB300DC945CA6066D35A6F1D1EA39A83359BB4649EBFFF]
Get sec config... OK [000000E0]
Load DownloadAgent... OK
Search DA... OK [15]
Send preloader... OK
Start preloader... OK
Checking preloader answer... OK
Send bootloader... OK
Start bootloader... OK
Wait for answer from bootloader... OK
Send SYNC signal... OK
Setup device enviroment... OK
Setup device parametres... OK
Receive DA SYNC signal... OK
Set DA parametres... OK
Get device connection agent... [BROM]
Get device info... OK
UFS CID (FW VER): KM8V8001JM-B813 (1900)
Load EMI config from database [DB VER: 212 DB DATE: 05-15-2023] OK [1]
Trying EMI [35DC37EB, 51C586A6, 8249FD85, E064B692, 84D2104E, 1BF6949D, EA386D2C, CE2D5014, 8005ECD1, A580E5B9, B9107E20, 15E8723C, 61717E9C, D46473D6, 28778EEA, 198B1E73, FB892E98]
Init EXT RAM... OK
Send 2nd DA... OK
Get device info... OK
   UFS_CID   : KM8V8001JM-B813
   UFS_FWVER : 1900
   BLOCK_SIZE: 0x0000001000 (4.00Kb)
   UFS_LU0   : 0x0000400000 (4.00Mb)
   UFS_LU1   : 0x0000400000 (4.00Mb)
   UFS_LU2   : 0x1DCB000000 (119.17Gb)
   INT_SRAM: 0x0000070000 (448.00Kb)
   EXT_RAM : 0x0100000000 (4.00Gb)
Checking USB status... USB_HIGH_SPEED
Read partitions info from phone... OK
Checking A/B state... OK
Read product info... [EXT4] ... OK
Product Brand        : alps
Product Manufacturer : alps
Product Model        : RMX2117
Product Name         : vnd_oppo6853
Product Device       : oppo6853
Product Board        : oppo6853
Board Platform       : mt6853
Build ID             : RP1A.200720.011
Build Date           : Sat Oct  9 20:30:00 CST 2021
Display ID           : RMX2117_11_C.05
Security Patch       : 2021-10-05
Version SDK          : 30
Version Release      : 11
Version Codename     : REL
Firmware Version     : 1615837624098
Userdata FS Type     : F2FS
Read partition "nvdata"... OK
Read partition "nvram"... OK
Read NVDATA files... OK
Read NVRAM files... OK
Repairing IMEI...
  IMEI 1:  864950053058237
  IMEI 2:  864950053058229
Write IMEI and patch CERT [NVDATA]... OK
Checking patch type... [1]
Patching partition... OK
Save patched partiton... OK
Write IMEI and patch CERT [NVRAM]... OK
Write partition "nvdata"... OK
Write partition "nvram"... OK
Repair Security and Patch cert done!
If your phone after repair keeps rebooting - use wipe data option.

Selected model: Realme RMX2117 (Realme 7 5G)
Operation: Repair
Software version: 5.13
Work ID: 10979951

Connect phone in BROM/PRELOADER Mode
Waiting for device... OK
Driver: [MediaTek Inc.,wdm_usb,MediaTek USB Port_V1632,usb2ser.sys,3.0.1504.0]
Device found at COM6 [BROM]



shows completed but imei not working
Read and upload partitions dump (except userdata and cache).

Realme narzo 30 pro 5 not given... and updated to latest f.10 which is preloader no option is given for it to connect in preloader. just updating the phone whil share u the screenshot of it too

this error it shows time out as it doesnt crash in preloader andd nor detect preloader and the phone restart and instead of imei we get iccid 1 and iccid 2 for this we havee to downgrade it to broom mode

Phone not supports reboot to brom from preloader.