0 votes
I unlocked it, it didn't finish the process and it only consumed the credits.
Checking Login and Password... OK
Balance: 15 crd.
You have 15 credit(s) left. This operation takes 6 credits. Continue? Yes
Waiting ADB device... OK
Reading phone info...
Model: SM-A115AZ
Android version: 10
PDA version: A115AZTUS4AUD6
CSC version: A115AZAIO4AUD6
Phone version: A115AZTUS4AUD6
Product code: SM2A115AZKZAIO
CSC country code: USA
CSC sales code: AIO
Carrier ID: AIO
Phone SN: R95R202NAQJ
IMEI: 355679115265185
HW version: REV1.0
RF cal date: 2021.02.10
Chip name: SDM450
Modem board: SDM450
Security patch: 2021-03-01
Rebooting phone... OK
Waiting ADB device... OK
Rebooting phone... OK
Waiting ADB device... OK
Waiting for device to become ready... OK
Initialization zTool... OK
Running zTool, please wait... OK
Trying to enable diag port... OK
Waiting ADB device... OK
Waiting for device to become ready... OK
Searching Samsung diag port... detected COM8
Reading IMEI... OK
Initialization zTool Loader... OK
Running zTool, please wait... OK
Loading... OK
Initialization zTool... OK
Running zTool, please wait... OK
Reading data from phone... OK
Rebooting to upload... OK
Searching Ramdump interface... COM21 detected
Reading data from phone... OK
Calculating... OK
Searching server... OK
Waiting for server answer... OK
Waiting ADB device... OK
Waiting for device to become ready... OK
Initialization zTool Loader... error (0.9)
Retry 1...
Initialization zTool Loader... error (1.9)
Retry 2...
Retry 3...
Retry 4...
Retry 5...
Retry 6...
Initialization zTool Loader... OK
Running zTool, please wait... OK
Loading... error (0.)
Retry 7...
Initialization zTool Loader... OK
Running zTool, please wait... OK
Loading... error (0.)
Retry 8...
Initialization zTool Loader... OK
Running zTool, please wait... OK
Loading... OK
Initialization zTool... OK
Running zTool, please wait... OK
Reading data from phone... error (4.7.-2)
Retry 9...
Initialization zTool Loader... OK
Running zTool, please wait... OK
Loading... error (0.)
Retry 10...
Initialization zTool Loader... OK
Running zTool, please wait... OK
Loading... OK
Initialization zTool... OK
Running zTool, please wait... OK
Reading data from phone... error (4.7.-2)
in Samsung Tool by (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Hello. Refunded.
by (207k points)
hola me podrian reembolso 10 creditos me arrojo 2 veces el mismo codigo y era incorrecto, escribo por aqui porque no puedo realizar pregunta


Operation: Read Codes via Server
Selected model: SM-A205G
Software version: 45.14

Checking Login and Password... OK
Balance: 29 crd.
You have 29 credit(s) left. This operation takes 5 credits. Attention! In case if phone asking MCK(Freeze, PUK) code, using this method will consume credits twice - first for MCK(Freeze, PUK) code and then for NCK(Network, PIN). Continue?  Yes
Waiting ADB device... OK
Reading phone info...
Model: SM-A205G
Android version: 11
PDA version: A205GUBSACVB1
CSC version: A205GOWMACVB1
Phone version: A205GNDXSACVB1
Product code: SM-A205GZKLCGU
CSC country code: Guatemala
CSC sales code: CGU
Carrier ID: CGU
Phone SN: R58M54Z2QCP
IMEI: 357526102257949
HW version: REV0.3
RF cal date: 20190520
Chip name: EXYNOS7884B
Modem board: SHANNON327
Security patch: 2022-02-01
Boot Warranty bit: 0
Checking SIM status... OK
Initialization zTool... OK
Running zTool, please wait... OK
Initialization... OK
Reading lock state... OK
Your phone is requesting a MCK(Freeze, PUK) code. What code do you want to calculate?  MCK(Freeze, PUK)
Executing... OK
Searching Ramdump interface... COM6 detected
Rebooting phone... OK
Waiting ADB device... OK
Waiting for device to become ready... OK
Reading ramdump data from phone... OK
Calculating... OK
Searching server... OK
Waiting for server answer... OK
Freeze code (MCK, PUK):  40817314

To calculate NCK(Network, PIN, REGIONAL) code perfom the following operations:
    1. Insert the SIM card.
    2. Enter the MCK(Freeze, PUK) code.
    3. Remove the SIM card.
    4. Reboot phone.
    5. Try again.

Done with Samsung Tool PRO v.45.14 [SM-A205G,Read Codes via Server]

    To read security codes using sever:
    1. Power on the phone.
  2. Tap 7 times on 'Build number' in 'Settings'-'About phone'-'Software information'
     to enable 'Developer options',
     go to 'Settings'-'Developer options' and enable 'USB debugging'.
  3. Connect the phone to PC with USB cable, install drivers if needed.
  4. Select device in ADB settings.
  5. Press 'Read Codes via server' button, select 'Read codes ...' algo,
     write your login and password in window if it will appear.
    (Login and password will be saved as default after first input and can be changed in settings.)

Operation: Read Codes via Server
Selected model: SM-A205G
Software version: 45.14

Checking Login and Password... OK
Balance: 24 crd.
You have 24 credit(s) left. This operation takes 5 credits. Attention! In case if phone asking MCK(Freeze, PUK) code, using this method will consume credits twice - first for MCK(Freeze, PUK) code and then for NCK(Network, PIN). Continue?  Yes
Waiting ADB device... OK
Reading phone info...
Model: SM-A205G
Android version: 11
PDA version: A205GUBSACVB1
CSC version: A205GOWMACVB1
Phone version: A205GNDXSACVB1
Product code: SM-A205GZKLCGU
CSC country code: Guatemala
CSC sales code: CGU
Carrier ID: CGU
Phone SN: R58M54Z2QCP
IMEI: 357526102257949
HW version: REV0.3
RF cal date: 20190520
Chip name: EXYNOS7884B
Modem board: SHANNON327
Security patch: 2022-02-01
Boot Warranty bit: 0
Checking SIM status... OK
Initialization zTool... OK
Running zTool, please wait... OK
Initialization... OK
Reading lock state... OK
Your phone is requesting a MCK(Freeze, PUK) code. What code do you want to calculate?  MCK(Freeze, PUK)
Executing... OK
Searching Ramdump interface... COM6 detected
Rebooting phone... OK
Waiting ADB device... OK
Waiting for device to become ready... OK
Reading ramdump data from phone... OK
Calculating... OK
Searching server... OK
Waiting for server answer... OK
Freeze code (MCK, PUK):  40817314

To calculate NCK(Network, PIN, REGIONAL) code perfom the following operations:
    1. Insert the SIM card.
    2. Enter the MCK(Freeze, PUK) code.
    3. Remove the SIM card.
    4. Reboot phone.
    5. Try again.

Done with Samsung Tool PRO v.45.14 [SM-A205G,Read Codes via Server]