0 votes
Unlock fails for this model. What is the issue? How do I fix?
Selected model: Mediatek Mediatek
Operation: Unlock network
Software version: 5.13
Work ID: 10881828

Connect phone in BROM/PRELOADER Mode
Waiting for device... OK
Driver: [MediaTek Inc.,wdm_usb,MediaTek USB Port_V1632,usb2ser.sys,3.0.1504.0]
Device found at COM6 [BROM]
Open port... OK
Send start cmd... OK
Get HW code from device... 0699
Get sec config... OK [000000E7]
Active sec flags: [SBC SLA DAA]
Get HW & SW version from device... OK
HW VER: CA00, SW VER: 0000, HW SUB CODE: 8A00
Detect chip [MT6739]
LibUSB installed
Library Version [2]
Select platform... OK
Init BROM... OK
Force Charge... OK
Disable WatchDog Timer... OK
Release testpoint, waiting 2 seconds
Advanced Bypass Security... OK
Waiting for device... OK
Driver: [MediaTek Inc.,wdm_usb,MediaTek USB Port_V1632,usb2ser.sys,3.0.1504.0]
Device found at COM6 [BROM]
Open port... OK
Send start cmd... OK
Get HW code from device... 0699
Get sec config... OK [000000E0]
Active sec flags: []
Get HW & SW version from device... OK
HW VER: CA00, SW VER: 0000, HW SUB CODE: 8A00
Detect chip [MT6739]
Library Version [2]
Select platform... OK
Init BROM... OK
Force Charge... OK
Disable WatchDog Timer... OK
Reopen port for libver2... OK
Get ME ID... OK
ME_ID = 0x23DE5EE9, 0x1E2A1368, 0xBA898358, 0xB99F8E1D
Get Chip ID... [MT6739]
Get SOC ID... [4BB0C8ABBCD33C5EF79E7E2CA1CC2FE9419A4D1046ABA116430E0E5E055B9BC0]
Get sec config... OK [000000E0]
Load DownloadAgent... OK
Search DA... OK [1]
Send preloader... OK
Start preloader... OK
Checking preloader answer... OK
Send bootloader... OK
Start bootloader... OK
Wait for answer from bootloader... OK
Send SYNC signal... OK
Setup device enviroment... OK
Setup device parametres... OK
Receive DA SYNC signal... OK
Set DA parametres... OK
Get device connection agent... [BROM]
Get device info... OK
EMMC_ID: 0x1501004645363241420998BE06A638DF
Load EMI from phone... OK
Parse EMI config... OK
Init EXT RAM... OK
Send 2nd DA... OK
Get device info... OK
EMMC_ID : 0x1501004645363241420998BE06A638DF
EMMC_BOOT1: 0x0000400000 (4.00Mb)
EMMC_BOOT2: 0x0000400000 (4.00Mb)
EMMC_RPMB : 0x0000400000 (4.00Mb)
EMMC_USER : 0x03A3E00000 (14.56Gb)
INT_SRAM: 0x0000020000 (128.00Kb)
EXT_RAM : 0x0040000000 (1.00Gb)
Checking USB status... USB_HIGH_SPEED
Read partitions info from phone... OK
Checking A/B state... OK
Read product info... [EXT4] ... OK
Product Brand : ATT
Product Manufacturer : TINNO
Product Model : U318AA
Product Name : U318AA
Product Device : U318AA
Product Board : u318
Board Platform : mt6739
Build ID : QP1A.190711.020
Build Date : Thu Sep 23 12:03:00 CST 2021
Display ID : QP1A.190711.020 release-keys
Security Patch : 2021-10-05
Version SDK : 29
Version Release : 10
Version Codename : REL
Firmware Version : 427
Userdata FS Type : F2FS
Read security partition from phone... OK
Read security files... OK
Read security files... OK
Read lock info... error(4)
in General questions by (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Hello. Read and upload partitions dump (except userdata and cache).
by (201k points)
Thanks, we will check it.
Any update?
Not yet. It takes time.