+1 vote

Recently I got problems with my credit on my z3x box card , for the first one it take me 10 credit for same operation and same phone G935A from my credit account.

After I bought 30 credit with this account, I did operation to get region code for phone A505FN the operation was failed (Exception:access violation at address 0018A3F4in module samsungToolPRO) but it take me again 5 credit.

Please check my case and refund me my credit.

Thank you

Best regards
Status,Date (GMT+2),Count,Model,Card,Version

OK,2022-02-26 12:09:52,-5,A013G_A013G,AA88DF6B,43.27

OK,2022-09-02 20:01:09,-5,A600FN_A600FN,AA88DF6B,44.15

OK,2022-11-22 12:15:32,-5,J600FN_J600FN,AA88DF6B,44.16

OK,2020-07-27 21:31:17,+30,"","",""

OK,2023-10-24 19:18:48,-5,G935A_G935A,AA88DF6B,45.14

OK,2023-10-25 12:05:18,-5,G935A_G935A,AA88DF6B,45.14

OK,2023-11-28 17:33:37,-5,A505FN_A505FN,AA88DF6B,45.14


Status,Date (GMT+2),Count,Model,Card,Version

OK,2023-10-11 22:32:08,+30,"","",""

OK,2023-11-30 10:58:52,-5,A505FN_A505FN,AA88DF6B,45.14

OK,2023-11-30 18:30:57,-5,A505FN_A505FN,AA88DF6B,45.14

in Samsung Tool by (130 points)
reshown by

1 Answer

0 votes
Hello. Where are logs?
by (207k points)
Logs? You mean user and password ?
I mean log of operation.
Ah ok tomorrow send you brother


Here logs operation for Samsung A505FN

Here logs operation for Samsung G935A

Here - where?
Please check link
Cannot open. Just copy text log here.
StatusDate (GMT+2)CountModelCardVersionOK2022-02-26 12:09:52-5A013G_A013GAA88DF6B43.27OK2022-09-02 20:01:09-5A600FN_A600FNAA88DF6B44.15OK2022-11-22 12:15:32-5J600FN_J600FNAA88DF6B44.16OK2020-07-27 21:31:17+30OK2023-10-24 19:18:48-5G935A_G935AAA88DF6B45.14OK2023-10-25 12:05:18-5G935A_G935AAA88DF6B45.14OK2023-11-28 17:33:37-5A505FN_A505FNAA88DF6B45.14Ballance0
StatusDate (GMT+2)CountModelCardVersionOK2023-10-11 22:32:08+30OK2023-11-30 10:58:52-5A505FN_A505FNAA88DF6B45.14OK2023-11-30 18:30:57-5A505FN_A505FNAA88DF6B45.14Ballance20
Please check
Please check
Links not working. You dont understand me? CTRL+C logs here. Do not need upload them anywhere.
Status,Date (GMT+2),Count,Model,Card,Version

OK,2023-10-11 22:32:08,+30,"","",""

OK,2023-11-30 10:58:52,-5,A505FN_A505FN,AA88DF6B,45.14

OK,2023-11-30 18:30:57,-5,A505FN_A505FN,AA88DF6B,45.14

Status,Date (GMT+2),Count,Model,Card,Version

OK,2022-02-26 12:09:52,-5,A013G_A013G,AA88DF6B,43.27

OK,2022-09-02 20:01:09,-5,A600FN_A600FN,AA88DF6B,44.15

OK,2022-11-22 12:15:32,-5,J600FN_J600FN,AA88DF6B,44.16

OK,2020-07-27 21:31:17,+30,"","",""

OK,2023-10-24 19:18:48,-5,G935A_G935A,AA88DF6B,45.14

OK,2023-10-25 12:05:18,-5,G935A_G935A,AA88DF6B,45.14

OK,2023-11-28 17:33:37,-5,A505FN_A505FN,AA88DF6B,45.14

Hello bro

please check logs sent to you before , as you asked I did ctr+c and I sent its to you message .

Thank you

I'm waiting your answer brother.

Please check my case
Provide logs of operations.