Hello! I just bought an Z3X box on 23 December 2023 (not the gold one, not the black one and not for Mediatek only) and it's showing "Card not found. Waiting for connection..." on Samsung Tool and on Z3X shell it's showing this error "Card not found", even it's connected with my computer.
I tried repairing with Hardware Wizard and I selected these 3 options I have one by one and it shows me this error: "Unable to read system info from card on "(FT SCR2000 0; FT SCR2000 1; Generic Usb Smart Card Reader 0)"! "
And if you don't know what Z3X Box I'm using, I'm using the old Z3X Box Samsung + LG (blue and grey one).
Before, the Z3X box was going to connect with my computer, but now it won't connect with my computer anymore and I already installed the drivers.
And another problem I have, I connected my phone Samsung SGH-P910 to the Z3X Box and when I wanted to read the codes I got an error: "Access violation" and when I wanted to press the Unlock button and the same error appeared...
So can you help me please?