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I team!

Before everything: congrats for all effort.  Easy Jtag Plus is a great tool.

Let's check the case: UFS change for Poco X3 Pro (Vayu)

•additional information:
CPU is not new
UFS is New (RPMB clean)

In my experience with change eMMC, RPMB clean after update FFU (great update, team), is just write eng firmware (Devcfg) device will start and will be possible to write RPMB in new Emmc: 
adb shell
qseecom_sample_client v smplap64 14 1

If just write a stock rom and don't use Devcfg file
 device will show:
Pres any Key to shut down
•no usb recognize
•no fast boot/recovery

So ... After change UFS for Poco X3 pro and write eng firmware by ISP connection (long time UFS  Samsung KLUEG8UHDC-B0E1) device show:

Press any key to shut down
•no usb recognize
•no fast boot/recovery


Have some opinion how to proceed?

I think  this process is possible because I saw a post in a relevant page:

Any Suggestion? 

in Easy JTAG by (190 points)

4 Answers

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by (120 points)
–1 vote

Very great tool!

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by (160 points)
+1 vote

This process involves significant technical know-how and the risk of permanently damaging the device. Proceed with caution, and ensure you have backups of any important data and firmware.

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by (200 points)
The big questions is : How to bypass RPMB.

I need support from the team.
0 votes

I know device is not available or maybe you fixit ......


But you only need to flash original miui 12 firmware then devices will boot normally but it's start rebooting on setup device section so you most remove baseband connection ......fix the IMEI then fix the baseband I hope it's work for you ,,,,,it's fine 

Because ufs is new clean at all 


by (140 points)