0 votes

hello. im tryed with vpn and without vpn but not activated 3 days. i cannot use pandora box.


i cannot login pandora tool after update. im updated new versiyon than tool cannot work. its says Activation limit exceed.

here screenshot.



=====  BOX INFO  =====

Boot Ver: 1.5

Boot Date: Mar 14 2021 23:23:02

Main Date: 1.5

Main Date: Nov 18 2023 00:43:51

BOX SN: 5268C1759DECC2E2

BOX Rev: 1.7


=====  BOX INFO  =====

Boot Ver: 1.5

Boot Date: Mar 14 2021 23:23:02

Main Date: 1.5

Main Date: Nov 18 2023 00:43:51

BOX SN: 5268C1759DECC2E2

BOX Rev: 1.7

in Activation by (160 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer
Hello. Try again and post result.
by (201k points)
selected by



Hello Thank you problem solved !
