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i keep seeing these error messege when i try to download any file from shell. "can not download file! server answer: fail: you are not logged in!"
in General questions by

1 Answer

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Show your card info
by (12.9k points)
Card SN - AA7D1C46
Card Type - New Top Card
Card Version - 2.2
Reseller: ansartec
Card activated - 2012-12-05

Card SN - AA7D1C46
Reseller: ansartec
Card activated - 2012-12-05
Download limit per day - 20
China Editor - NOT available, activation possible
Lg Tool - activated 2012-12-05
Samsung Tool - activated 2012-12-05
Samsung Tool PRO - activated 2018-01-14
Easy Jtag Plus - NOT available, activation possible
Can you try to download using Samsung tool Pro?
no sir! same error appears.
I'm enabled logging for your card. So, do the same again and I will watch what happening on the server side
there was no internet connection in my country. thats why i was late. are you there now?
Yes, I saw your request ant it was not full. Looks like some app (firewall, etc) control your requests. Try use different computer or/and internet provider.
Card SN - AACF2233
Reseller: gsmsources
Card activated - 2014-11-28
Download limit per day - 20
China Editor - NOT available, activation possible
Lg Tool - NOT available, activation possible
Samsung Tool - activated 2015-11-25
Samsung Tool PRO - activated 2015-11-25
Easy Jtag - activated 2014-11-28
Easy Jtag Plus - NOT available, update possible
i have a same problem .

this is  a card info

Card SN - 00027681
Card Type - Old Schlumberger/E-gate card
Card version - 2.2
Card activated - 2010-09-10