0 votes
Im looking for info because 2 weeks ago i made an unlock with samsung tool for a J327T1 Bit 3, it cost 5 credits, and now the client came back with the same phone to tell me the phone its still locked, when i check it say network locked again, i put it on samsung tool again and it cost me 5 credits again, same phone, same imei. How i make a reclamation, i have the log and pictures about clients phone imei info, where i have to addres to solve this problem? Best Regards.
1. Power on the phone.
2. Tap 7 times on 'Build number' in 'Settings'-'About phone' to enable 'Developer options',
go to 'Settings'-'Developer options' and enable 'USB debugging'.
3. Type *#0808# and select 'DM + MODEM + ADB' (or 'DM + ACM + ADB').
4. Connect the phone to PC with USB cable, install drivers if needed.
5. Select device in ADB settings.
6. Press 'Unlock TMB via Server' button for direct unlock, write your login and password in window if it will appear.
(Login and password will be saved as default after first input and can be changed in settings)

Operation: Unlock
Selected model: SM-J327T1
Software version: 39.7

Checking Login and Password... Listo
Ballance: 12 crd.
You have 12 credit(s) left. This operation takes 5 credits.Continue? Si
Waiting ADB device... Listo
Leyendo información del teléfono ...
Modelo: SM-J327T1
Android version: 7.0
PDA version: J327T1UVS3ASB1
CSC version: J327T1TMK3ASB1
Versión del telefono: J327T1UVS3ASB1
Código del Producto: SM2J327TZSATMK
Código de país CSC: USA
Código de Venta CSC: TMK
Phone SN: R28K909KWFT
IMEI: 359479093612698
HW version: REV0.1
RF cal date: 20180906
Chip name: EXYNOS7570
Módem: SHANNON305
Security patch: 2019-02-01
Boot Warranty bit: 0
Searching Samsung modem... detectado COM26
Leyendo información del teléfono ...
Modelo: SM-J327T1
AP version: J327T1UVS3ASB1
CSC version: J327T1TMK3ASB1
CP version: J327T1UVS3ASB1
Código del Producto: TMK
Phone SN: R28K909KWFT
IMEI: 359479093612698
Número único: CQE009941F0C745
Checking data... Listo
Buscando servidor... Listo
Waiting for server answer... Listo
Waiting ADB device... Listo
Waiting for device to become ready... Listo
Initialization zTool... Listo
Running zTool, please wait... Listo
Lectura de datos desde el teléfono ... Listo
Reiniciando teléfono ... Listo
Desbloqueo Listo

Done with Samsung Tool PRO v.39.7
in Samsung Tool by (120 points)

1 Answer

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Hello, refunded
by (102k points)