0 votes
Hola, yo que soy argentino. Actualmente tengo hijos al cual mantener y no puedo trabajar por las razones del covid-19 y no tengo el apoyo para mantenerme en esta cuarentena. Solicit0 su ayuda si hay posibilidades de que pueda usar sus servicios de forma remota para mejorar un poco mi situación financiera. Sin más que decir y esperando una respuesta rápida y positiva, atte.fullrepair dejo mi sn
in General questions by (180 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Hello, if you will use your card for remote work, we will not ban it. We understand current world realities, and we can make some exceptions during the quarantine.
I made a note about your card SN.
It is important that your Internet connection is good, because some programs may not work through the security system (too long communication with the card).
Also keep in mind that our software is not designed to work remotely, so there is no 100% guarantee that everything will work perfectly.
Probably the better solution is to take the box home, then the work will be going on as usual.
by (102k points)