+1 vote
Hello! Tried to unlock g930t. Credits are gone, and an error has occured. Need help, and\or refund.
Checking Login and Password... OK
Ballance: 28 crd.
You have 28 credit(s) left. This operation takes 8 credits.Continue? Yes
Waiting ADB device... OK
Reading phone info...
Model: SM-G930T
Android version: 8.0.0
PDA version: G930TUVSACSG1
CSC version: G930TTMBACSG1
Phone version: G930TUVSACSG1
Product code: SM-G930TZKATMB
CSC country code: USA
CSC sales code: TMB
Phone SN: R58H21RR80B
IMEI: 357752070413252
HW version: REV0.6
RF cal date: 2016.02.20
Chip name: MSM8996
Modem board: MSM8996
Security patch: 2019-07-01
Boot Warranty bit: 0
Waiting for device to become ready... OK
Initialization zTool... OK
Running zTool, please wait... OK
Reading data from phone... OK
Rebooting to upload... OK
Searching Ramdump interface... COM132 detected
Reading data from phone... OK
Calculating... OK
Searching server... OK
Waiting for server answer... error (1)
in Samsung Tool by

1 Answer

0 votes

Try again. Also check that this link is reachable for you

by (12.9k points)
Ok. Thanks, will try on monday and post a result here.

Hello! It seems i have a refund on my card, there is 28 credits, as it was before 2 tries of unlock. Link to logs of credit history(made backup only after first try) and a screenshots of the cards history is attached below. 

Now its just an error,  after trying of unlock without payment.

credit log history, after first try of unlock


I can't see your screenshots. Make they bigger please
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