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buenos dias quisiera saber si podria solicitar algun tipo de permiso para poder trabajar remotamente ya que por motivos de esa pandemia estoy siendo afectado economicamente sera sera posible? envio mi sn card muchas  gracias por la atencion .

in General questions by (120 points)
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1 Answer

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Hello, please provide your card number so that I can make a note.
by (102k points)
puedo comentar el numero de tarjeta por aqui sin problema?

Yes, click on edit question

there you will see a line visible only for admins

then click "save changes"

muchas gracias y una consulta mas - mandaran  un mensaje cuando esto ya no  sea permitido?
I made a note about your card SN.
It is important that your Internet connection is good, because some programs may not work through the security system (too long communication with the card).
Also keep in mind that our software is not designed to work remotely, so there is no 100% guarantee that everything will work perfectly.

The exception will end when all countries are out of quarantine. I can send a message when it's no longer allowed.