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hola buenas tardes les queria comentar que de de nuevo no se conecta al servidor

cuento con mi caja box samsung z3x sansung toolpro

y al reparar me dise que no se puede conectar al servidor este es mi ip publica:

ya anterior mente me avia pasado desde ya muchas gracias esoero su respuesta

PD:aclaro cuento con una box z3x
in General questions by (240 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Hello, your IP address is not banned.

This may be an ISP (internet service provider) side problem, not the z3x server.  Wait until your provider update / restart the server, or you can inform your ISP about it.
Try to use another computer and another provider.

May need to check your firewall settings, gateway settings, etc.

Also, make sure that the drivers are installed correctly and the card is connected.
by (102k points)
no conecta servidor