0 votes
user zsc_MuOrdKF4 to get those 5 credits refunded please
Operation: Unlock
 Selected model: SM-J260A
 Software version: 37.0
 Checking Login and Password... Listo
 Ballance: 6 crd.
 You have 6 credit(s) left. This operation takes 5 credits.Continue?  Si
 Waiting ADB device... Listo
 Leyendo información del teléfono ...
 Modelo: SM-J260A
 Android version: 8.1.0
 PDA version: J260AUCU1ASC6
 CSC version: J260AATT1ASC6
 Versión del telefono: J260AUCU1ASC6
 Código del Producto: SM2J260AZKCATT
 Código de país CSC: USA
 Código de Venta CSC: ATT
 Phone SN: RF8M52CMDLE
 IMEI: 357177100749261
 HW version: REV1.0
 RF cal date: 20190517
 Chip name: EXYNOS7570
 Módem: SHANNON305
 Security patch: 2019-03-01
 Boot Warranty bit: 0
 Initialization zTool... Listo
 Running zTool, please wait... Listo
 Lectura de datos desde el teléfono ... Listo
 Buscando servidor... Listo
 Checking server answer... Listo
 Executing... Listo
 Lectura de datos desde el teléfono ... Listo
 Calculando... Listo
 Buscando servidor... Listo
 Waiting for server answer... Listo
 Waiting ADB device... Listo
 Waiting for device to become ready...
 Operation: Unlock
 Selected model: SM-J260A
 Software version: 37.0
 Checking Login and Password... Listo
 Ballance: 1 crd.
 Not enough credits
in Samsung Tool by (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

Looks like it`s not full log. Post please full log. 

After Waiting for device to become ready... should be more strings, not a starting new operation

by (12.9k points)