0 votes
Hi, some time ago I did S8 G950F U9  single sim to dual sim ,

now I need back to stock for working Google Pay.

If I run Google pay and I want to add card, I get error "this phone can not be used for paying, maybe it is rooted "

My knox is 0X0, phone is not rooted.

Any idea, how to get all back?



BTW,I did all changes with Z3X
in General questions by (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Hello. Do you try simply reflash phone?
by (207k points)
Of course I did.Phone by itself is working well, it downloads OTA updates and all other apps as Samsung health, Samsung Pass and other work.

But single to dual needs to edit cert file, and none update/flash is touching cert file.
Attach photo from download mode and also attach photo of service provider versions.

I am not sure, what do you mean of "service provider versions"

Try change csc to other. Also try enable oem lock and check then.
None of them worked.

Is there some firmware that supports only 1 sim?

My idea is to flash 1 sim firmware, so phone will be 1 sim, then use standard multi CSC firmware.